“Yes.” Leland’s eyes bored into hers. “He was the father of my wife’s baby. If it makes you feel any better, it was once and he never knew about the consequences. Tayla’s mother said, ‘Why ruin more lives?’ She meant that your parents shouldn’t be told, especially since you were on the way.”

Leland stood up. He seemed to have finished as much of the story as he could handle. “I need to... I don’t know what has to be done. Water things. Feed animals. It’s Charlene’s domain. She—”

Sara stood up. “Go take a shower. It’ll make you feel better. We’ll feed and water everything.”

Leland didn’t protest but went down the hall to the bedroom.

Quietly, the three of them left the house and walked to the barn. There were two horses there. Jack directed them in the feeding and watering and they went about it in silence.

When they got to the chickens, Sara spoke. “Sylvia. It always goes back to her.”

“Why would Janet be angry because Sylvia bought a house?” Kate asked. “I assume she had one when she lived with her husband.”

“Sure, but it wasn’t like the one she bought,” Jack said. “What I want to know is why I wasn’t asked to do the kitchen. Tayla and I are friends. She would have recommended my company to Sylvia to do the work, but she didn’t call me.”

“Your question is why you didn’t get the business?” Kate sounded almost angry.

“All I’m saying is that this is yet another odd thing.”

“Sylvia’s husband was a plumber. I’m sure she knew building contractors,” Sara said. “A new kitchen is nothing compared to Janet drugging kids so she could search for secrets. She was angry at Tayla and got her back by trying to hurt who she loves the most: Charlene.”

“That makes no sense.” Jack threw out meal to the chickens. “If she was angry at Sylvia, why didn’t she go after her?”

They looked at one another.

“Maybe she did,” Sara said.

“There’s more to this than just a house,” Sara said. “If I were writing it I’d have the house built on top of something valuable. Touch Not the Cat.”

They looked at her.

“It’s a wonderful old novel. Valuable Roman ruins were under the house, and people wanted the place.”

“Chet wanted to tear up the floorboards of the Janet-Sylvia house.”

At the mention of him, they were silent for a moment.

“Where did Sylvia get the money for the house? Her books didn’t make any,” Kate said.

“Not with those brutal reviews that put people off.” Sara sounded bitter.

“So what’s so damned valuable about that house?” Jack asked.

Sara looked at her watch. “I’d say we should go there now, but we have the, uh, the thing. The book club.”

“I think you’d rather face a firing squad,” Kate said.

Sara’s eyes brightened. “It would sure be quicker.”

Kate rolled her eyes and Jack laughed.

They got home at 3:30 p.m. In the shade outside the front door were three coolers. The tea shop beside the bakery had delivered boxes of sandwiches and cakes.

They carried them inside to the dining room and halted. Chet’s big boxes of files were still stacked against the wall.

Jack got a handcart and began wheeling the boxes down the hall to the garage.

Kate and Sara did double time as they hurried to set up the table with food and drink. Loose tea was put into the pot. It just needed water for the brewing.