She paused. “Ray never yelled at me, was never unkind. But he beat me down in a way that killed the inside of me. He didn’t mean to because he truly loved me, but he wasn’t in love with me.”

Kathy smiled. “Cal and I fight. We have arguments. He thinks he knows everything in the world and I have to stand my ground to make him even hear me.”

When she looked up, she was smiling. “But we make up in bed. Fabulous sex. The kind out of novels. And out of bed we’re kissing. And hand holding. And cuddling while we watch TV. Every day he lets me know that I am loved. Good moods and bad, I know he loves me.”

“I know what you mean,” Olivia said. “Reliving our lives made the dynamic between Kit and me change. When we got married when we were older, even though I loved him, under the surface I still harbored a lot of anger and resentment that he’d ruined my life. I loved him but I hated him too. But I was so afraid that rage would come out that I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t talk about the bad that had happened to me. We were only married for a year and it was sweet, but I was afraid that if I let my anger out, it would destroy everything.”

She paused. “And there was the guilt. I was a woman who’d given up her child. The guilt ate at my soul. When I went back, I yelled at Kit, cursed him, but he was still there. He didn’t go away. I don’t know whether he believed me or not, but he helped me.” She smiled. “And also, when I met him so many years later, he’d had a lot of time of being a big shot and he kept that attitude. He decided things, gave orders. All decisions were his.”

“And now?” Kathy asked.

“Now we’ve lived together all that time. I saw him go from being a mostly naked boy to counseling presidents. If he gets too uppity, I know how to stop him.” She smiled. “To me, he’ll always be that worthless boy.”

“And you had children,” Elise said. “Alejandro was made to be a father.”

Olivia laughed. “I have to say that the boys took any hint of pomposity out of their father. One time Kit unexpectedly got caught in what was escalating into a desert war. He was freaking out

because Tully was with him. Our son felt his father’s fear and threw up on him. An absolute gusher. It was so human, so normal, that everyone stopped screaming and started laughing. It was easier to negotiate with laughing men than with rage so the problems were solved. Kit said it should be named ‘Tully’s War.’” When she looked up, there were tears in her eyes—but they were tears of happiness.

Elise looked at Kathy. “How is Ray doing?”

“Last year he left Dad’s firm and started his own. He’s doing well.”

“Did he leave because of Cal?” Elise asked.

“I think so. Dad started spending time outside work with Cal, then when I gave him a grandson, Dad kind of became another person.” She took a breath. “He’s thinking about retiring.”

Olivia’s eyes widened. “You are going to head the agency, aren’t you?”

Kathy’s smile was slow. “I am. Dad’s been spending time with Mom and they’re so mad about our kids that...” Kathy trailed off and gave a shrug. “I’m happy. That’s the highest, most important thing I can say. I am happy.”

“Me too,” Olivia said.

“And me,” Elise said.

They smiled at each other, leaned back, and sipped their drinks. There wasn’t anything more they needed to say.


It was early morning and Olivia was lying in the bed. Kit had already gone downstairs.

She opened her eyes enough to see that it wasn’t quite daylight so she closed them again.

Only yesterday they’d returned from... From what? Their life experience? None of them were yet used to their new lives.

Last night at dinner Elise had teased Alejandro that Olivia’s sons were so gorgeous that she might trade him in. Alejandro was a sweet, gentle man who looked at his wife with so much love that it was almost embarrassing. He didn’t seem to be worried that she was going to run away.

Kit had insisted that everyone spend the night in Camden Hall. “It’s too big and empty now.” His voice was wistful.

Minutes later, Cal arrived with their two boys, Elise’s son and husband joined them, and within seconds they were running and yelling—and Kit was smiling happily.

Elise and Olivia were curious about Cal. He was a big man and even when he was silent, he commanded attention. When he spoke, his deep voice made people turn to him. Olivia could see why Kathy had once said that she was afraid of him.

“He’s a bit like Ray except without the thug element,” Elise said.

Olivia laughed. “Your son is climbing the curtain.”

Elise took off running, but Alejandro got there first and lifted the boy away.