Dolores looked surprised, as though she couldn’t believe someone like Kathy could know him so well. “That’s Ray, all right!”

Kathy began to replace the eyeshadow with four shades of brown, blending each color into the other. “What Mom and I used to do is figure out a way to make Dad do what we wanted him to. You need to make Ray stay away from you.”

“How do I do that?” Dolores looked like she was going to start crying again. “I’ve yelled at him. Slammed doors in his face. There isn’t a name I haven’t called him. But it doesn’t matter what I say because he does this thing to my ear, then it’s panties gone. It’s like they just drop off of me.”

Kathy’s eyes were wide.

“Now you’re shocked. I better leave.”

“No!” Kathy said. “I’m not shocked. I’m jealous. I wish my boyfriend did that.”

Dolores sighed. “That’s the way it always is. You want what Ray gives me and he wants me to be elegant and refined, like you are. You think any people who match ever get together?”

Kathy stepped back to look at her work. Much better! “Not that I’ve seen. Just to be clear, my boyfriend’s parents think I come from low-class working stock. To them, I’m one step up from being the garbage collector’s daughter. They’re surprised that I don’t eat peas with a knife.”

Dolores laughed. “You’re nice.”

“I try to be. What if you and I do something so awful that Ray has to break up with you?” Kathy wiped the red rouge off Dolores’s cheeks and put on some peach-colored blush. “Is there someone else at home who you like?”

“Yeah. Donnie. But he’s seen me with Ray so he’s too scared to get near me.”

“If this works, invite me to the wedding.”

* * *

Kathy looked back at Olivia and Elise. “We made a plan to wait until Ray was on the far side of the room, then she’d spill her drink on me—it was club soda—and she’d bawl me out. It almost failed because when Dolores said I looked at her like she was the garbage collector’s daughter who eats peas off a knife, I choked up. I had to leave the room so nobody would see me laughing.”

“If all that worked so well, what made you cry?” Elise asked.

“I...” Kathy took a breath. “This is a difficult memory to go back to.”

“And my story was easy for me? Leaving Alejandro? Hearing him tell me I still needed to make up my mind? That I should—?” She broke off at Olivia’s look. “Okay, sorry. But you need to confess.”

Nodding, Kathy took another drink of her wine. “I’d left my clutch in my father’s bathroom so I went back to get it.” She looked at Olivia. “Have you ever had a single moment in your life that changed everything?”

“I have,” Olivia said. “Someone asked me to go to Richmond and I said yes. When I got back, the man I loved with all my heart was gone. I didn’t see him again for over forty years.”

“Oh.” Kathy paused, blinking as she thought about that. “I guess you do know. I was in the bathroom when Larry—who I thought was my boyfriend—came in with Felicity, Cal’s girlfriend. She was—”

“Wait!” Olivia said. “Who is Cal? And how old is he?”

“Calvin Nordhoff, management director. He’s about the same age as Ray, I guess. Dad says he couldn’t have a company if it weren’t for Cal keeping everything in line. He’s the balance between the flamboyance of Ray and the rock-hard stubbornness of my father.”

“One man who can balance the two of them,” Olivia said. “The third leg of a stool. Remove one and it collapses. Interesting.”

Kathy blinked a few times. “I never thought of it that way, but I guess you’re right. The truth is that I’ve never known exactly what Cal does. I always had the idea that he disapproved of me. The boss’s daughter sticking her nose into every department. I avoid Cal whenever possible. Anyway, Felicity was like everything I feared in one very skinny body. She used to look me up and down in a way that made me want to hide in a closet.”

“Why were Larry and Felicity in your dad’s office?” Elise asked.

Kathy sighed. “Funny how, even after years, things can still hurt.” She looked up. “They were in there to have sex on my father’s big, gaudy show-them-I’m-the-boss desk.”

She paused a moment. “I knew Felicity was a lawyer and so was Larry, but I didn’t know they’d gone to school together. I certainly didn’t know they’d lived together in their freshman year. But then, there were lots of things I didn’t know about Laurence J. Winbeck the Third.”

Kathy took a moment before going on. “As soon as I heard them and knew what they were about to do, I knew I should show myself, but I was fascinated. I didn’t watch, but I heard it all. I had no idea Larry had so much energy in him. He’d always seemed too fastidious for down and dirty sex. But what they did was hard and fast—unlike any sex he and I’d ever had. It was over quickly, but it was like the whole place was full of steam. I stood inside the bat

hroom with the door half-open, lights off, and my heart was pounding.”

“That must have been difficult for you to see the man you were dating with someone else,” Olivia said.