“I guess so, because when he died, he left everything to Mom. She never told me about it, but one time I heard her on the phone saying that Uncle Freddy’s brother and the other relatives were so angry she thought they might hire a hit man to go after her.”

“So why didn’t they buy the place from her?”

“My guess is that they wanted it for free, not to have to pay for it. What’s your extended family like?”

“Don’t have one,” she said. “Mom was an only child, and her parents died long before I was born. She was forty-three when she had me.”

“And that’s why she used a donor.” He smiled. “You must have been a much-wanted child.”

“Yeah, I guess so. Sometimes I envied other kids having fathers, but you make the best you can out of what you have.”

“I agree,” he said.

When they looked into each other’s eyes, understanding passed between them. Their childhoods had been alike, with single mothers struggling to do the best they could. And by necessity, both children had grown up quickly. When Tate was just a kid, he’d looked for ways to help support his family. Casey, instead of complaining about her mother being gone so much, had figured out a way to make her time alone into something educational and fun.

Neither of them had had the childhood luxury of a world that revolved around them. Casey’d had to adjust to no father and a mother who was rarely there. Tate had dealt with the death of his father and the adult pr

oblem of putting food on the table.

“You should have this,” Tate said. There was a black lanyard in the box with a plastic ornament on it. Tate slipped the ornament off and put the ring on the cord, then hung it around Casey’s neck.

“I can’t take it.” But even as she said it, her hand closed over the ring. It was quite beautiful.

“Think of it as a gift from Letty and Ace. They hid it away, just waiting for us to find it.”

“I bet whoever they stole it from wasn’t very happy about it.”

“I wonder why Mom never told me a story about the ring. I think that if she knew who it belonged to, she would have returned it. Do you have any idea what time it is?”

“Noon maybe?”

Tate groaned. “I have to go. That trainer they sent came through the doors of hell. If I’m not there soon, he’ll send a SWAT team after me.”

“I’m on his side.”

“What?” Tate frowned so hard his eyebrows met, then he understood. “Yeah?” He flexed his biceps. “You don’t think I’m getting too bulky?”

Smiling, Casey set the box aside and opened her arms to him. “I think you’re just right.”

They made love again, this time very slowly. The only thing they had on was the ring around Casey’s neck.

“From the first day, I’ve wanted to give you a ring,” he whispered, but Casey was sure she’d misheard him.

Afterward, they reluctantly put their damp clothes back on and slithered out through the tunnel under the fierce blackberry bushes. Standing outside like an angry guard, was the peacock. This time, instead of ignoring them, he gave a very loud screech of protest. Casey thought it sounded almost like the cry of a human in distress. Hearing it from only a few inches away was nearly enough to injure her eardrums.

At the deafening sound, Casey jumped back, and for a second Tate put his body protectively in front of hers.

But he couldn’t resist an opportunity for drama. He leaped behind her, hands on her shoulders, and ducked his head. It was as though he were terrified and using her as a shield.

“Come on, Ace,” she said in a deep voice. “You know I’m wearing the magic ring so no one can hurt us. Now stand up straight and tall and face your fears.”

He took a deep breath and stood up, but he stayed behind her.

“Look, he’s just a bird and he’s probably lonely,” she said.

“Actually, he’s so mean no one can stand to be around him.” Tentatively, Tate stepped around Casey and took her hand. “I think we better find the truck and get out of here.”

But Casey didn’t move. Still holding Tate’s hand, she took a step forward, her other hand extended toward the bird. “I’m sure he’s a very nice guy. He just needs a little TLC.”