In the quick interlude, while Josh and his crew changed sets, Tate stopped by Casey’s dressing room. He fastened the Velcro under the line of buttons down the back of her pale-blue ball gown, which had been made by Stacy’s mother. “By the way,” he said as he kissed her neck, “I met a beautiful lawyer and I asked her on a date. She’s impressed that I’m a movie star.”

It was a ridiculous statement, but it was just enough that when she got onstage, Casey was ready to let him know she thought he was a snob.

They all had to pause for the deafening applause that greeted the sight of both Tate Landers and Jack Worth. Kit had prepared them for this, and they knew exactly how long to wait. Tate had his back so straight and looked so arrogant that Casey had no problem believing he was eaten up with pride.

Next came a scene in the Bennet parlor, then one at Mr. Bingley’s house, Netherfield. They went well.

In the fifth scene, Mr. Collins showed up. The trainer overplayed his role by half. He was so sleazy, so unctuous, and fawned so heavily over Lady Catherine de Bourgh that the audience loved him.

Casey was truly repulsed. When he put his hand on her forearm, her whole body recoiled. The doors to the theater were open, and while the audience inside behaved itself, many people outside hissed loudly. It felt as if at any moment they might start throwing rotten tomatoes.

At the end of the scene, Wickham was to arrive, and Casey did her best to calm her nervousness. When Devlin Haines stepped onto the stage, the crowd roared with yells and applause.

Casey had no doubt that Tate had arranged these accolades. When she glanced offstage, she saw Rowan, flanked by three men in suits. They were just waiting. But from the radiant smile on Devlin’s handsome face, he had no idea what was about to happen to him.

While Jane was exchanging small talk with Bingley, Casey watched Devlin moving about the stage. Kit’s direction had been that Wickham was to show his attraction to the pretty young Lydia, and she was to return it.

Casey was curious as to what had gone on between the two of them. They’d been away for days. But what had happened? Was Lori’s crush still strong?

The girl played her part perfectly. Lydia looked Wickham up and down in the age-old way of attraction, and he gave it back to her. It was perfect—except that when Devlin walked past Lori, she moved her skirt aside so it didn’t touch him.

In that small gesture, Casey felt that she’d seen everything. Whatever had happened, that poor child had hated it.

Casey looked offstage to Rowan. Had he seen the subtle gesture? When he gave a curt nod, she was relieved that, yes, he’d seen and understood. She knew all too well how slick and convincing Devlin’s lies could be. She didn’t want him talking his way out of what he’d done.

Mr. Collins returned to Lizzy, then at last Casey was confronted by Devlin. It took all her inner strength, but she smiled at him in welcome.

Her attitude caused a flash of surprise, but then he returned her smile with a hint of secrecy. It was as though he thought she was genuinely glad to see him.

The scene where Wickham tells Lizzy how horrible Darcy is seemed to go on forever. Casey had to fake her look of shock, had to pretend to believe him. Worse, she had to cover her anger at her character for taking this man’s word without proof.

She couldn’t help remembering that it was exactly what she’d done to Tate. One time he’d said to her, “Some people want to believe that the only difference between achievement and failure is luck. They like to sit on their couches and say that some sort of predetermined fate was why others made it and they didn’t. They never want to admit that hard work did it.” Unfortunately, she had experienced the truth of that.

When Wickham glanced at pretty Lydia, who was standing just a few feet away, a knot rose in Casey’s throat. She wanted to slap him. What had he done to that poor child?

When the long scene finally ended and the stage darkened, emotion so overcame her that she had trouble standing upright. Tate’s strong arm caught her. “You did well. Perfectly. Hold it together now,” he whispered as he led her offstage and down to her dressing room.

“What about Lori?”

“Kit and Olivia have her. Some of Kit’s friends got Estelle out of bed, and she’s in the front row drinking gallons of black coffee to counteract whatever your dad gave her. She is a very happy woman.”

While they were talking, he’d peeled the everyday dress off her and helped her step into the ball gown.

“Thank you,” she said. “You’re the best dresser anyone ever had.”

“That’s what the lady lawyer said too.”

“You touch her and I’ll throw a pot of boiling sugar on you.”

Laughing, he took her hand and they ran up to the stage. “That’s the spirit! When you bawl me out, pretend I’m Haines and let me have it. But then, I’ve been on the receiving end of your temper, so maybe you should soften your blows. Have pity on poor me.”

He had succeeded in making her smile. “Go on, get out of here,” she said. “And thanks.”

The next scene was the ball at Netherfield, which Wickham didn’t attend. It wasn’t easy for Casey to run lines with Tate and act disdainful of him, but he kept looking down his nose at her in such an arrogant way that she hardly recognized him. The scene ended with Mary singing very badly—which was why Kit had cast the girl, saying she was a natural.

There was another quick costume change, then Lizzy had to turn down Mr. Collins’s marriage proposal. Casey’s revulsion was so real that the audience felt it right along with her.

Olivia’s hysteria over Elizabeth’s refusal of Mr. Collins was loud and desperate. Kit played the scene with regret in his voice. It seemed to hurt him to go against his beloved wife.