Tate was inches taller than Devlin, and as he used his height to glare down his nose, he did his best to ignore the photo of Gizzy. “I want to know what you’re up to. What lies have you been telling about me?”

“How do I know what are lies? You kicked me out of my own family, remember?”

“The chocolate mold from your grandmother? You hardly know who your mother is.” Tate leaned forward. “If you hit Nina up for money, I’ll get lawyers on you.”

“So they can take away everything I own?” Devlin shot back. “You already did that. How’s it going to look to the press if famous, rich you sues someone as broke as me? And don’t forget that I’m the father of your niece, who you love being photographed with.”

“You always twist things around to your advantage.”

Devlin smiled again. “I’m just trying to earn a living, that’s all. You help me out, and my daughter will give you all that great family publicity that you need. I especially liked seeing you with her at Disney World. You two looked so cute together.”

Tate’s hands were forming into fists. “Why are you stalking Casey?”

“She’s one juicy morsel, isn’t she? And not a bad cook. I’ve seen you two crawling through the bushes. What’s she like in bed?”

When Tate raised his fists, Devlin stepped back and put his hands up, palms out.

“Aggressive, aren’t you?” he said, still smirking. “I bet the police would love to hear that I came to this adorable town because my daughter was coming. And I volunteered my professional services to help in a local play. But what happened was that my rich, famous ex-brother-in-law showed up and hit me. No reason. Just punched me in the face. Wait until dear, sweet little Emmie hears what her uncle Tate did to her daddy.”

Tate dropped his fists, but his anger stayed. “What do you want from Casey?” he repeated.

Devlin hesitated, as though he was deciding whether or not to answer that question. His eyes turned dark. “I’d like to take everything away from you, exactly as you’ve done to me. A few more tears from me and I’ll have her clothes off.”

“You—” Tate began as he stepped forward. But a voice from the stage above them stopped him. Someone was behind the screen of vines.

Tate didn’t want someone seeing them arguing, then innocently sending out a text message that would alert the media. In a lightning-fast move, Tate grabbed the man in a choke hold and held him just tight enough that he couldn’t speak. “Not a word!” he said.

“Don’t touch me!” It was Olivia’s voice, professionally trained and carrying clearly.

“Livie.” Kit’s voice was pleading. “Please listen to me. You must know that I did all of this for you. Building a stage, putting on a play—it was all to attract you to me.”

“Trap me, you mean,” she said. “So I’m here. What do you have to say?”

“That what happened wasn’t supposed to.”

“You mean your walking away from me? Leaving me?”

“I didn’t have a choice. The government came for me. I had to— Damn! They’re back already. Please, tonight let’s talk.”

“No. The time for words is past. I’m here because of my son and d

aughter-in-law. I’m playing a part because—” She raised her voice. “I’ll be there in a minute.” She paused. “Stay away from me, you…you worthless boy.”

Kit’s voice softened. “You used to say that in a different tone.”

She gasped. “You ever touch me again and I’ll walk off this stage and never return.”

“Like you did the last time?” There was deep anger in his voice.

The slap she planted on Kit must have hurt because the vines shook as though from a strong wind. She stomped away.

Tate, still holding on to Haines, waited until Kit left, then he released the man. He glared at him. “You ever tell anyone a word of what you just heard and I won’t care about the tabloids. I’ll go after you with an army of lawyers. You understand me?”

“Of course. You can do that. You’re successful, while I’m—”

“Spare me!” Tate said. “Keep your mouth shut and stay away from Casey.”

Devlin didn’t reply. Instead, he clicked his heels together and gave Tate a straight-arm salute.