“We don’t have time for second tries,” Kit said curtly. “Thank you again, Miss…” He looked at the paper on his desk. “Miss Lewis. Please go downstairs and return the dress.” There was absolute finality in Kit’s tone.

One audition followed another. For the most part, the players were like the first young woman, so dazzled by being near Tate Landers that they couldn’t get themselves under control. One woman made everyone laugh when she didn’t even try to say her lines. She just held out a pen and paper to Tate and smiled adoringly at him.

When it was Hildy’s turn, Olivia and Casey crossed their fingers. Three minutes later, they uncrossed them. Hildy remembered all her lines but delivered them in such an arrogant way that the scene made little sense. Tate was supposed to be the aristocrat, but Hildy acted as though she was of a higher class. It seemed that at any moment she would order him to get on his knees and kiss her ring.

At first the audience reacted to her interpretation in shock, then they began to twitter with barely suppressed giggles.

In spite of Hildy’s bravado, Tate stayed in character, ardently professing his love for her.

Olivia didn’t comment on her daughter-in-law’s performance, but she called Tate a “true professional.”

“Don’t kid yourself,” Casey said. “He’s enjoying this. Just because he can keep a straight face doesn’t mean he’s a good actor.”

When Hildy finished, Kit said he wanted to see her later. She walked off the stage with her head held high, seeming to think he was saying that she had the part. But Casey mouthed, “Lady Catherine?” to Kit, and he nodded.

After a couple of hours, Kit called a break and everyone headed to the food tables. He loudly suggested that the women who had already auditioned should leave. There were many calls made to husbands, babysitters, neighbors, et cetera, to pick up children, run errands, even to visit relatives in the hospital. The word “emergency” was heard often, but no one left the building.

Kit went to Casey. “Could you take something backstage for Tate to drink? And if you have any of those little cakes left, take those too.”

“Maybe Olivia can do it,” Casey said. “I’m busy.”

Olivia gave a nod, prepared a plate and filled a glass, and took them toward the stage.

“He’s good, isn’t he?” Kit said to Casey.


He gave her a look.

“Yeah, I guess he’s okay.” In spite of what she’d said to Olivia, the truth was that they’d all been impressed by Tate. Every time he’d performed, he’d done it with feeling. Over and over. And no matter how the woman opposite him messed up, Tate never broke character.

A few of the women had made it through the entire scene, but none of them displayed the emotion that Tate put into the role. Again and again he looked like a man in love but fighting inner demons.

“Who are you going to choose to be Elizabeth?” Casey asked Kit.

“None of them. They’re all dreadful.”

“That Parker girl wasn’t bad.”

Kit looked at her in disbelief. “She kept fluttering her eyelashes at Tate. I expected her to ask him on a date.”

“The Brickley girl?”

“Timid little thing. I think Tate’s passion scared her.”

“Maybe the second half will be better,” Casey said.

“What I need is someone who sees Tate as a person, not as a movie star.”

“Good luck finding that in this crowd,” Casey said. “They’re all making fools of themselves over him. The way they look at him is sick-making. ‘Oh, Mr. Landers,’?” she mimicked in falsetto, “?‘please look at me the way you do those women in the movies. If you do, I’ll dedicate my life to you.’ Truly disgusting. It’s—” She broke off, as Kit had an odd expression on his face. “What’s that look for?”

“I’m agreeing with you. I need someone who doesn’t see him as some mythical being in a pair of tight pants.”

Casey smiled at the image. “It’s a good thing he’s not going to play Darcy in the real production. Have you worked with Josh yet?”

“Yes, and I have to say that I have never seen anyone with less acting ability than that young man.”

“Oh, no,” Casey said. “What are you going to do?”