“Great,” Eli said, but then let out his breath. There was no use lying to his mother. She’d know. “She’s not going to stay with me, if that’s what you want to know.”

“Have you asked her to?”

“She’d laugh in my face. She checks her email every few minutes and is always disappointed that her polo-player boyfriend hasn’t contacted her.”

“In that case, I’m glad you didn’t outright ask her. I know how much you love Chelsea, but—”

“Mom, talking about this is embarrassing.”

“I know it is, but remember that I’m the one who held you while you cried after she left. And I’m the one who has seen the way you’ve tracked her over the years. And I coined the phrase NC, meaning Not Chelsea, for all those poor girls who never stood a chance with you. And I—”

“All right!” Eli said. “I get it. What’s your point?”

“As much as I love her, Chelsea isn’t as clear in her purpose in life as you are. If you tell her you want her to settle down with you—”

“She’ll run. Or jump on the back of her Venezuelan polo player’s horse and ride away.”

“If I remember correctly, you’re rather good on a horse. Like your dad.”

“Mom, please. This is a different time. Women today don’t go for men on black stallions.”

“You think not?” Miranda didn’t give her son time to reply. “My advice is that you shouldn’t make things too easy for Chelsea. Think of it as one of your software games. If the warrior could walk straight to the princess, neither would want the other.”

“I don’t think computer games and black horses have anything to do with real life.”

“Are you sure about that? Absolutely and totally sure?”

“When it comes to Chelsea, I’m not sure of anything. I have to go. Pilar’s got some guy here who Chelsea says is a three. I, unfortunately, am a one.”

Miranda laughed. “I don’t know exactly what that means, but I can guess. I think I’ll call Chelsea’s mother and have a chat.”

“I’d rather you didn’t do that,” Eli said. “Chelsea can make up her own mind about what she wants.”

“I’m sure she can, but I’d lose my motherhood badge if I didn’t interfere.”

Eli laughed. “That won’t happen. I really do have to go. I—”

“I know. You have forty-some calls to make for your job. What happened to your taking some time off?”

“After Chelsea leaves, I think I’ll double my schedule. Tell the kids I love them and to try to behave.”

“I will,” Miranda said. “Eli, dearest, remember that Chelsea likes a challenge.”

“I never forget it,” he said and clicked off.

By the time he left the bedroom, Chelsea had found out some about Grace and her daughter. Eli was glad of that. Maybe if Chelsea focused on the kids she wouldn’t ask so much about Orin and the contents of the papers.

After Chelsea went upstairs to get dressed, Eli called Mike Newcomb. All Eli had to say was that he needed some help and Mike agreed immediately. Eli couldn’t help thinking what an odd place Edilean was that big secrets were being kept. Eli told Mike that he needed to find out about the suicide of Gilbert Ridgeway.

Mike didn’t ask questions, just said he’d get on it right away.

By the time Chelsea came downstairs, Eli had everything in place. She had on jeans and a big white shirt, her hair hanging down around her shoulders, and she looked great.

“Are you sure you want to go shopping with some giggly teenagers?” he asked, suggestion in his voice.

When she sat down on the couch beside him, he closed his laptop. “What have you heard?” she asked.

“Nothing. The papers we stole haven’t shown anything yet. It’s entirely possible that Orin is innocent.”