“I forbid it,” Eli said, his eyes steely with anger.

“I’d laugh, but with the open sides of this dress I’d pop out. Who are you to ‘forbid’ me anything? And what happened to your new realization of your selfishness?”

“I’m your husband-to-be, that’s who I am. And a detective agency is too dangerous.”

“How does a computer geek manage to live in the nineteenth century? Married or not, you can’t forbid me anything. You—” She broke off at the sound of a familiar tune that came from Eli’s inside pocket. Since she had no place to put a phone, she’d slipped hers into his jacket.

Before Eli could speak, Chelsea took the phone out. “It’s Rodrigo and I have to take this.” She made her way across the gym floor to go into the school. Eli was right behind her.

Inside, the lights were dim, but they could see about a dozen young couples wrapped around each other, slammed against the rows of lockers, and kissing.

“Rodrigo,” Chelsea said into the phone, then listened. “You’re ready to take me back, are you? Let me guess. You need someone with a brain to take care of your schedules. And of course I’m to make sure your horses are looked after so you have lots of time to party. What happened to cute little Tiffany?”

She listened. “I see. A twenty-two-year-old can’t handle everything?”

Eli felt like snatching the phone away from her, but he controlled himself.

“Do you? Well, Roddy, dear, I’m afraid you’re just going to have to find another ‘love of your life’ to put up with you. I’m staying where I am and I’m going to marry the guy who is the love of my life. And by the way, he is much better in bed than you are.”

She clicked off, then looked at Eli. “Now where were we?”

“I don’t remember,” he said as he took her into his arms and began to kiss her.

Minutes later, he said, “Ah, yes, about this agency. We need to talk about that.”

“I agree,” Chelsea said. “Right after we discuss what kind of ring you’re going to buy me. We need to—” She broke off because Baze threw open the big doors that led out of the gym.

“Where the hell have you two been?” he half yelled. Behind him was Abby and her face was white. With a shaking hand, she held out her cell phone.

Chelsea and Eli, heads together, read the text message. CME HOME NOW. BRNG RABIT. THE RING.

“What does it mean?” Chelsea asked.

Baze gave Abby a moment to reply, but when she couldn’t speak, he answered, “Abby’s dad gave her a rabbit on a key chain. It’s in her locker.”

“Let’s go get it,” Eli said, and he and Baze took off running down the hall. The kissing couples didn’t so much as look up at the commotion.

Abby stayed where she was, seemingly rooted in place. Chelsea looked at her.

“There are too many errors. My mom di

dn’t write that, but it’s her phone.”

“I think we should go,” Chelsea said and held out her hand. “Eli will take care of it, but we need to help him.”

Abby drew a breath, then took Chelsea’s hand and they began running. This time, with the women in their glorious dresses and high heels, the males of the kissing couples stopped to look—which caused the females to put a great deal more enthusiasm into what they were doing.

When Abby and Chelsea reached the locker, Eli and Baze were waiting, both of them tapping away on their cell phones.

“I hope that’s the sheriff you’re contacting,” Chelsea said.

Eli nodded. “It is, and Jeff and my cousin Paige.”

Chelsea wanted to ask about that, but Abby was trying to work the combination to her locker. Her hands were shaking so badly that she couldn’t turn the dial, so Eli helped her. Baze didn’t look up from his phone.

Abby removed the key ring from a hook stuck onto the back of the door and handed it to Eli.

“Flash drive,” Eli and Chelsea said in unison. Because the lid had been glued in place, no one had realized it was more than just an ornament.