
“That’s what it looks like or maybe it’s some obscure language I’ve never seen before.”

“Wasn’t the woman who wrote it Italian?”

“That’s what Treeborne Foods says, but who knows?”

Reede was quiet for a moment as he stroked Sophie’s hair. The spread was over them, and it was warm in the room. “Do you think this guy Carter will come after you?”

“If he knew where I was he might. I don’t really know him. I thought I did, but I don’t.”

“I think you know him rather well,” Reede said. “He lies without conscience. He’s ruled by his domineering father, and he’s greedy. In order to get his share of the company he’ll court and probably marry whomever will further the business. Does that sound about right?”

“It sounds exactly right,” she said.

“So where is it?”

“Hidden in plain sight,” she said. “Middle drawer of Kim’s desk. I’ll be glad when it’s gone.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

She smiled in the darkness and his words comforted her so much that sleep began to take over her. Reede was so warm and he made her feel so safe that she soon dozed off.

Reede held her and he felt her fall asleep, but he was wide awake. His mind was too full of all that was going on in his life for him to be able to sleep soundly.

Sophie had turned his world upside down. A week ago all he could think about was how many days before he could get out of Edilean forever. He complained about Betsy’s x’d calendar, how she counted the days until Tristan returned, but the truth was that Reede checked that calendar a dozen times a day. He too counted the days. How long was it before he could leave and go back . . . Back to what? To flying from one town to another, from one danger to the next?

There were times when he’d been so lonely, when he’d missed home so much that he’d wanted to leave right then.

He kissed Sophie’s forehead, and she snuggled closer to him. She made him feel needed. She made him feel as though he had a purpose in life, a place to go. She made him feel that he belonged.

When Sophie turned over in his arms, he slipped out of bed, opened Kim’s bedside table drawer, and withdrew a flashlight. He hadn’t told Sophie it was there.

Reede made his way into the living room and removed the torn envelope from the desk drawer. It didn’t take him long to dress and slip out the front door. He needed food and he needed someone to talk to.


Reede raised his hand to tap on the window of the diner, but Al saw him and unlocked the door. Many times Reede had been out all night with a patient and had stopped at Al’s for breakfast. The diner wasn’t open yet, but Al would fry a couple of eggs and toast bread. Reede would sit at the bar and eat and they’d talk while Al made coleslaw for the day.

“What are you lookin’ so glum about?” Al asked as he poured Reede’s coffee. “Everybody in town knows you spent the night with that little doll Sophie. After they turned out their lights, that is.”

When Reede looked up with a doleful expression, Al chuckled. “Let me see if I get this right. You’re in love with her but she thinks you’re somebody else and when she finds out the truth that you, from what I heard, nearly killed her, she’s gonna hate you.”

“I think ‘love’ is a little strong. I only met her a few days ago,” Reede said.

“And you two haven’t been apart since she came to town. So what mask are you wearin’ today?”

“I was thinking of a motorcycle helmet. I’d say the clasp was broken and that I can’t get it off.” Reede looked at Al as though asking his opinion.

“Ever think of manning up and showing her your naked face and taking the consequences?”

“No,” Reede said honestly.

Al shook his head. “I’ll give it to you that you two have done a lot in the time you’ve had. Last night I heard that somebody tried to blow up the whole town. That true?”

“More or less.”

“And that your girlfriend stopped it?”