“Randall spent as much time with my son as he did with Lucy’s. He’s not a TV father who tucks the kids in at night.”

“And you continued to work for Mr. Maxwell. Does he have any more children anywhere?”

“No. None. Randall’s always had affairs, but he’s never been serious about any of the women, and he was discreet.”

Kim thought for a moment. “He had Lucy at home and you at work and two beautiful sons. I can see why he didn’t want to mess that up.”

Penny smiled. “I think you’re beginning to understand Randall Maxwell.”

“Why did he blackmail Travis into working for him?”

Penny’s face became serious. “Now that is the clog in Randall’s overall life plan. He assumed that when they grew up, both his sons would come to work for him, but neither one wanted anything to do with him. Travis was very angry at his father and Randall couldn’t understand why. In his mind, he’d protected Travis all his life.”

“And Travis saw himself as being held captive in a beautiful prison.”

“That’s right. Randall’s much better at business than he is at life. I told him not to do it, but he threatened Travis to make him work with him. Randall thought that if Travis was in the office with him every day, he’d catch his ambition bug and that eventually his son would understand.”

“But he didn’t,” Kim said.

“No. Travis had been sidetracked by a little girl who showed him how to have fun.”

Kim smiled. “That was a turning point in both our lives.” Her head came up. “So what happens now? How do we tell Travis that Russell is his brother?”

“I’m not sure he doesn’t know.”

“I’ve not seen any sign that he does.”

“Both of them are half Maxwell and they don’t let people see what they’re thinking.”

“Not even me,” Kim said softly.

“You didn’t exactly blurt out the facts when you realized the truth, did you? From what I’ve seen, you and Travis are well matched.”

Kim thought about that for a moment. “So what now? Will it take Travis years of fighting his father to help Lucy get a divorce?”

“I don’t know what Randall is up to right now. He’s been very secretive lately. In fact, for the first time in nearly thirty years I don’t even know where he is.”

There was somet

hing about the way she said that last statement that made Kim’s hair stand on end. “You wouldn’t have a photo of Mr. Maxwell, would you?”

“I can bring one up on my phone,” she said as she removed her cell from her bag. “Randall likes to stay out of the spotlight.”

“Unlike Travis,” Kim said, remembering the photos Reede had sent her. “So how’s Leslie?”

“Paid off,” Penny said as she handed the phone to Kim.

She wasn’t surprised to see a picture of the man she knew as Red, but she wasn’t about to say that Mr. Maxwell was here in Janes Creek. “He doesn’t look much like Travis or Russell,” she said as she returned the phone.

“The boys look like Randall’s grandfather, and he was a handsome devil. Have you—?”

Kim stood up so abruptly Penny didn’t finish her question. “Travis is going to think I’ve left him. I was supposed to meet him at the diner fifteen minutes ago. This has been . . . informative, and thanks for helping me understand Travis better.” She gathered up her things and hurried into the antiques store. She hadn’t wanted to answer Mrs. Pendergast’s questions about whether she’d met Randall Maxwell or not. Yes, she had. Twice.

Outside the shop, she paused for a moment, trying to remember everything “Red” had said to her. Fishing in Edilean came to mind first. It looked like he’d known all along where Lucy was. And if he knew where she was, then he knew about Joe Layton. And if he did, and if he hadn’t raised a stink, maybe that meant Travis wouldn’t have to spend years helping his mother get a divorce.

“Maybe we can have a life,” she whispered. Now. Not years in the future, but now. She went across the street to the diner, but she didn’t walk fast. She had a lot of information running through her mind and the truth was that she didn’t know what to do with it all. How much should she tell Travis? How much to keep to herself?

And what would be his reaction to what she did tell him? Anger? He was from a rich and powerful family, so would he jump on a private jet and go . . . Go do whatever fabulously rich people did when faced with stress?