“Sorry,” Travis said as he leaned away from Penny and looked at Kim. “We’re ignoring you.”

“No one is ignoring me,” she said. “In fact I’m being well entertained.” She turned to Penny. “Didn’t you use to work for Travis’s father?”

“For many years.” Penny’s eyes were alight, as though she was wondering what Kim was going to say next. Announce what she’d just figured out?

But Kim wasn’t even tempted to tell. Hearing that he had a brother was going to change Travis’s world, and she was not the one to tell him. That news needed to come from Russell and Penny—and a lot of explaining was going to have to be done.

“Maybe Russell could go with us today,” Kim said.

“Go where?” He was looking at Kim as though he expected her to tell what she’d just discovered.

“To some derelict old building,” Travis said. “Last night while I was working, the love of my life was flirting with another man, and he told her where to go today. He said that she’d need the help of someone big and strong. Kim seems to think that’s you.” His tone was light and teasing.

His words “the love of my life” made Penny and Russell look hard at Kim. Penny glanced at Kim’s left hand, obviously noting that there was no ring.

Kim knew there was more going on in the silence than in the words being spoken. “In case all of you forgot, I’m here to find my ancestor.”

“And his possible descendants,” Travis said.

“It seems that there’s a grave site near an old mill, so Travis and I are going to go see it.” She looked directly at Russell. “I think you should go with us. If this place is a ruin it’ll be quiet there. A person can think. Or talk.”

Russell gave a little smile. “I’m about talked out,” he said and looked at his mother. “What about you? Finished with your New York business?”

“Completely,” she said.

“Penny is going to retire,” Travis said to Kim, “and she’s thinking of moving to Edilean. Any good houses there for sale?”

“Old or new?” Kim asked.

“Old, small, on at least an acre. I like to garden. But I don’t want it to be too far out of town.”

“I know a place. It used to be an overseer’s house. It would need some renovation.” Kim turned to Russell. “And what about you? Where do you live?”

“Not in Edilean,” he said as he put his napkin on the table and stood up. “When do you want to go to this falling down old building? Anyone bring a camera? Notebook and pen?”

Travis stood up to stand beside Russell. They were exactly the same build and wore the same expressions of challenge on their handsome faces.

Kim glanced at Penny. Why didn’t Travis see the resemblance? Again Penny looked at Kim with that expression of pleading. Please don’t tell, she seemed to be saying.

Kim hadn’t made herself a success by being intimidated by anyone, no matter who she worked for. “Tomorrow,” she said softly, and Penny nodded. She had twenty-four hours to tell Travis the truth and if she didn’t, Kim would tell him.

Travis was waiting for her by the door. “Russ rented a Jeep and he went to get directions.” He lowered his voice. “Kim, if you’d rather that you and I spend time alone together, I can turn this whole thing over to Penny. She’ll find out about Dr. Janes.”

“No,” Kim said. “I think you should—” She’d almost said “get to know your brother” but she didn’t. She wondered how he was going to react when he found out that his beloved assistant had had an affair with his father. Travis already had enough issues with his father and he didn’t need any more.

“Think I should what?”

“Nothing. Here’s Russ. Shall we go?”

Travis wanted to drive, but Russell wouldn’t let him. “My car, my hands on the wheel,” he said.

Kim rode in front with Russ. Travis was in back with the handwritten directions.

“Looks like you failed penmanship,” Travis said. “I can’t read this.”

“Maybe you should have gone to better schools to improve your comprehension,” Russ shot back. “Oh wait. I went to the same ones you did.”

“Did you pass any of the classes?” Travis mumbled.