His sweatpants fell to the floor and she wasn’t surprised to feel that he had nothing on under them. Her hands went down his back over the hills and valleys of his muscles. She curved out over the firm set of his buttocks, then down his thighs. His mouth was on he

rs, his kiss deepening, becoming more urgent with every second.

Kim’s hands went to his thighs, then up to put them on the male center of him. He was rampant with desire for her, his maleness strong, hard, big. She felt her body melting with wanting him to take her. She felt like she’d been waiting for him for most of her life.

When Travis began kissing her neck, she leaned back, meaning to lie on the bed, to open herself to him.

But Travis didn’t let her lie back. As though she weighed nothing at all, he picked her up with one arm, his other one pulling her legs around his waist.

With perfect aim he set her down on his manhood. He slid in easily.

“A perfect fit,” she murmured.

“Did you ever doubt that we would be?” he said into her neck.

He held her to him and she loved that her full weight was on him, that she was touching only him. His hands, his big, strong hands, were clasped onto her bottom and raised and lowered her.

Kim let her head go back, let him move her slowly, deeply, the long strokes filling her as no man ever had before.

When she thought she was about to explode, he fell with her onto the bed. He pulled her up toward the headboard, never breaking the contact between them, as his strokes became more urgent, faster.

Kim wanted to scream. She’d never before felt this intensity, this sensation that her mind, her body, her very soul was being touched by this man.

When she came, she wrapped her legs around his waist so tight she thought she might cut him in half. But Travis was feeling his own climax and his shudders went through both of them.

He collapsed onto the bed beside her and pulled her close into his arms. Kim put her thigh over his, feeling the dampness of him. His body felt so strange but at the same time so familiar. He was the boy she knew so well, and the man she didn’t know at all.

“What do you want to know about me?” he asked softly, his fingers in her hair, his palm against her cheek.

“What did you—?” she began, but cut herself off. Did she really want to lie in his arms and talk about his father? Did she want to hear more about his isolated childhood? Or should she be one of those girls who demanded that a man tell her about his past sexual exploits? In other words, did she want to lie beside him and ask about the beautiful Leslie?

“Kim,” he said, “I’ll tell you anything you want to know. I’ll confess how I rented out this whole place because I couldn’t bear to think of you here with another man. How I got Borman to tell me what he was up to. How I—”

Kim leaned over and kissed him, her breasts touching his chest. “Do you know anything about research?”

“I know everything about it,” he said solemnly. “When I want to know about something I call Penny and tell her to do it. She can research anything.”

“Oh!” Kim said, rolling off him and putting the back of her hand to her forehead. “How do I deal with someone so spoiled?”

Travis turned on his side toward her and ran his hands over her breasts. “Penny is a necessity. She frees me so I can spend all my time masterminding my dad’s evil operations.” Bending, he put his mouth on the pink tip of her breast. “You are as pretty as wild roses in the morning. Pink and white against the mahogany of your hair. I’ve never seen anyone more beautiful than you.”

What he said, the way he said it, took her breath away. But at the same time there were images of another woman in her head. “That’s not what my brother says about you and . . . and the others.” Her tone was light but she was serious.

“Your brother? You mean the guy who stands in the middle of a racecourse holding a terrified donkey?”

The image made her laugh—and it made her brother sound too dumb to know anything.

Travis began to nuzzle her neck. She could feel his whiskers on her skin; she could smell the maleness of him. Closing her eyes, she let her senses take over.

“I love to hear you laugh,” he whispered as his lips traveled down her shoulder. “When we were children I knew I’d never seen anyone as happy as you.” His mouth went across her collarbone as his hand came up to her breasts. He lifted his head to look at her. “Your love of life, what I learned from you, has sustained me through the years.”

She started to ask him why he hadn’t contacted her when she was in college, but Travis’s mouth descended on hers and she forgot her question.

His hands explored her body, running over her legs, between them. When he touched the soft center of her, she gasped. Gently, he caressed her and she closed her eyes, giving herself over to the sensation of him, to the pleasure of his touch.

Slowly, he moved on top of her. The weight of him felt wonderful, reminding her of his maleness.

He entered her slowly, filling her, and his strokes were long and deep. He took his time as he watched her, smiling as he saw the pleasure on her face.