“Where could I get lunch in the area?” he asked.

“I know some places,” Carla said from behind him. “I get off at one.”

“And what about you, Miss Aldredge? When do you have lunch?”

Kim took a step away from him. As enticing as he was, she wasn’t interested. “I’m meeting friends at the local greasy spoon. I wouldn’t recommend it to an outsider. Excuse me.” She went back into her office.

Interesting, she thought as she picked up her sketchbook and put her mind back on work. Maybe she should make some more designs based on shells. She had to come up with a theme for Neimans, so maybe she’d do something about the sea.

An hour later she left for lunch. Mr. Layton and Travis were already in a booth with their drinks. As soon as he saw her, Travis’s dark eyes lit up in a way that made Kim smile. He stood up, kissed her on the cheek, then let her in first.

“Have any idea what you want for lunch?” Travis asked as he nodded toward Joe. “The old man couldn’t wait so we ordered.”

“Al knows,” she said and waved to the big man they could see in the kitchen. It looked like Travis and Mr. Layton were getting to know each other well.

“No kisses for me?” Mr. Layton asked. “You just pass them out to the young bucks now?”

“Sorry,” Kim said as she stretched across the table to kiss his cheek. She didn’t see Travis as he admired the view of her body. And she didn’t see Mr. Layton give him a look that said Travis owed him one.

“What have you two been doing?” she asked.

“Him nothing; me everything,” Travis said.

She looked at him. His shirt was dirty and there was sawdust on his temple. Reaching up, she brushed it away, then was aware of the way Mr. Layton was staring at them.

Kim moved a bit farther down on the seat. “We had an exciting morning.”

“Better than cutting pieces of lumber to make sawponies?” Travis asked in sarcasm.

“Sawhorses,” Kim corrected. Mr. Layton’s eyes were twinkling. “You’re being wicked and I’m going to tell Jecca on you.” She looked back at Travis. “A young man came in this morning and bought my three most expensive pieces.”

“Did he?” Travis asked.

“He told Carla they were for his mother. He had on a suit that looks like the one you were wearing when I first saw you.”

“Before I discovered the joys of T-shirts with trucking logos on them?” Travis asked.

Mr. Layton didn’t smile. “What’s his name?”

“Russell Pendergast and he asked Carla out on a date tonight.”

Travis choked on his drink. “Pendergast?”

“Yes, do you know him?”

“Never met the guy,” Travis said and could fe

el Joe Layton’s eyes boring into him. “What’s he like?”

“Gorgeous,” Kim said. “Smooth. He exudes education and wealth.”

“Does he?” Travis asked in curiosity. “And he bought your most expensive pieces for his mother? Interesting. Where’d he go to school? Maybe I know him.”

“I have no idea. But after his date with Carla I’m sure I’ll hear everything. I can’t really see the two of them together. He—”

“Did he come on to you?” Travis asked, his dark brows in a scowl.

“I don’t think that’s any of your—” Kim began and could feel her temper rising.