“No, nothing new.” She told them of Tamsen’s letter. “She said she’d written down the story and put it somewhere ‘safe’ but I don’t know where that could be.”

“With her lawyer?” Ramsey said, and everyone groaned. “No, I’m not kidding. There’s always been a law firm in Edilean, so maybe she left something with them. There’s a warehouse full of old documents. I don’t think anyone knows what’s in there.”

“How do I—?” Gemma began, but Tess cut her off.

“You don’t. I’ll put one of the girls in the office on it and see what we can find.” She looked at Colin. “Have you had any wishes that have come true?”

“I could make one now,” he said in such a pathetic way that everyone had to stifle laughter.

“Okay, Gemma,” Ramsey said, “you have to tell us what Colin did to make you so angry at him.”

Gemma felt the blood rush to her face. “I, uh . . . I . . .”

“Let up on her,” Luke said. “She’s new here and she’s not used to being asked to tell everything about her life.”

“It’s something I will never get used to,” Mike said with such feeling that the others laughed.

“Speaking of which,” Gemma said loudly, “I’d love to hear the inside view of finding the paintings and I want to see the secret room.” As she’d hoped, everyone started at once, and within seconds they were retelling a long, complicated story that made no sense to her. There was something about a woman named Mitzi who was convicted of murder.

“Good save,” Colin said under his breath to her. “Do you think you could spare me five minutes to talk about whatever I’ve done to you? I certainly didn’t mean to be naked in your house.”

Everyone had stopped talking and heard the last sentence.

Colin didn’t even try to explain as he stood up. “Anyone want another beer?” He left the room to get more beer but came back with a baby in each arm. “They were getting bored.”

“Colin, I do believe you’re ready to be a father,” Sara said. “Decided on the mother yet?”

Colin shook his head. “Today is not my day for women. Any of you men know the cause when a woman gets mad at you?”

“No idea,” Mike said.

“None,” Ramsey said.

“I just apologize and take the blame,” Luke said.

“You poor things,” Joce said. “Why don’t you underappreciated dears go outside and enjoy yourselves while we controlling woman clean up?”

“Sounds good to me,” Ramsey said as he took a baby from Colin. Two minutes later all four men and the two babies were outside.

Gemma knew what was coming: an interrogation. She held her breath as she waited for the women to pounce on her with questions. They’d want to know what lovable, saintly Colin could possibly have done to make anyone angry.

But to Gemma’s relief, the three women said nothing to her. Even Tess was quiet. They quickly started clearing the table in that way that showed they’d known each other a long time. Gemma took two bowls into the kitchen and Sara handed her a roll of plastic wrap. Gemma covered containers and Joce put them in the refrigerator.

“What would you wish for?” Sara asked Gemma as she put dirty plates in the dishwasher.

“You mean from the Heartwishes Stone?” The truth was that after hearing Tris’s story she was almost afraid to say, but then she reminded herself that she wasn’t a Frazier. “I guess it would be to get a good job at a great university. It feels like I’ve spent most of my life working toward that.”

“Sara is disappointed that you aren’t wishing for True Love. She’s a serious romantic,” Tess said.

“Did Mike court you with kickboxing?” Gemma asked Sara.

The three women looked at one another as though there was some great secret in Sara and Mike’s courtship.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to pry,” Gemma said.

“Don’t mind them,” Sara said. “They’re just laughing at me. You guys ready to join the men?”

“Sure,” Tess said. “Even being able to smell the beer cheers me up.” She was rubbing her big stomach. “Gemma, you have any more boyfriends besides Tris and Colin?”