“Gemma,” Luke said quietly, “I don’t know what’s going on between you and Colin, but I don’t think you should leave. Stay and have a margarita or two, and chill out. Besides, there’s nothing a man likes better than thinking a woman is home alone and crying over him.”

She looked at him in disgust. “Is that true?”


“Not in my personal experience, but I heard it in a country-and-western song, so it has to be true.”

Gemma couldn’t help herself as she gave a little laugh.

“That’s better,” Luke said. “You want to help me carry the kids downstairs? Everyone wants to see them, and they’re fiends for being the center of attention.”

“Actually, I think I’d like that. Mike—”

“Wants to beat you up,” Luke said.

“He can try. I’m pretty fast and he’s getting old. What is he, about forty?”

Luke grinned. “Please, please let me hear you say that to Mike. I’ll dedicate my next book to you if I get to hear that. And if you hit him . . .” He trailed off, as if he couldn’t think of anything good enough to equal that sight.

“All I have to do is imagine Colin Frazier’s face on Mike’s and he may not live.”

Luke’s eyes widened. “Everybody loves Colin,” he said quietly.

“Now you’ve met someone who doesn’t,” she said firmly.

Luke stood there looking at her for a moment, then seemed to recover. “Get Davie and let’s go.” He paused at the doorway. “You know, I was a little concerned that Tess might frighten you, but I’m not worried anymore.”

Gemma scooped up the baby.

“Okay?” Luke asked.

“I’m armed and ready.”

Smiling, he followed her down the stairs.


THEY WERE SEATED around Sara and Mike’s dining table, and Gemma marveled at the beauty of it all. The table, with its yellow and green color scheme, looked like something out of a chic decorating magazine where the credits listed Brunschwig & Fils, Scully & Scully, and ABC Carpet.

“This is beautiful,” Gemma said as she took a seat on the long side of the table. She thought she was seating herself beside Mike, but Colin took the chair next to her.

“This way, you won’t have to look at me,” he said so only she could hear.

“Thank you,” Sara said to Gemma’s compliment. Sara was at one end of the table and Mike at the other. Ramsey, Tess, Luke, and Joce took the other chairs, and they started passing bowls of food around. They were all friends and knew each other well, so Gemma ate and listened. They complimented Mike on the food and Sara on the decor of the house.

Gemma was acutely aware of Colin next to her, and when she had to pass a bowl to him, she avoided his eyes.

“How can I apologize and redeem my name?” he asked while Ramsey was telling a story about a fight at his law firm.

“I told him that if he sued and Don sued him back, then he sued again, that the only person who was going to win would be me,” Ramsey said.

“And that scary thought made them settle out of court,” Tess said, and they all laughed.

“There’s no need to apologize,” Gemma said to Colin under the cover of the laughter. “I just think it’s better if we don’t see each other.”

“We’re not seeing one another. We’re—” He stopped when everyone grew silent. “Sorry, what was that?”

“We all want to know about the Heartwishes Stone. Have you found out any more about it?” Sara asked Gemma.