“Fourth cousin, removed once or twice,” Ellie said to Gemma. “A town resident just did a genealogy for some of the families in Edilean, and we’ve at last found out how we’re all related. I’d shake your hand, but—” She was wearing sterile gloves.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Gemma said. “Do you own this store?”

“What gave me away?” Ellie asked.

“Bossiness,” Colin answered. When he heard a baby start to cry, he said quickly, “Could we get some sandwiches? To go?”

“Colin is our resident Pied Piper with the kids,” Ellie said to Gemma, looking from one to the other in curiosity.

“Come on, give me a break,” he said. “I’m trying to impress her that I’m the sheriff and that I deal with dastardly crimes.”

“Impress her, are you?” Ellie asked.

Gemma thought she should clear the air. “I’m one of the applicants for a job that Mrs. Frazier is offering.”

“Oh, right, cleaning out that mess she bought in England.” Ellie looked at Colin. “So where are the other two who are trying for the job?”

“At home in the pool. Mom’s taking a nap.”

Ellie snorted. “Your mother never took a nap in her life.”

“I know she hasn’t,” he said, smiling.

Ellie again looked from him to Gemma. “So what kind of sandwiches do you two want?”

“Roast beef,” they said in unison.

“Side dish? I have coleslaw or potato salad.”

“Coleslaw,” they again said together.

“Coming up.” When Ellie turned away, she was smiling.

“Like to look around?” Colin asked.

“So I can tell Isla about the place for when she lives here?”

“That’s exactly what I had in mind.” He was teasing, but whether or not she got the job was no joke to her and he saw it on her face. He lowered his voice. “I’ll talk to Mom tonight, and I’ll get Dad to talk to her too. And Shamus. Maybe the three of us can persuade her to choose the right person.” He started to say more but broke off because a woman standing near the cereals started running toward him.

“Colin!” she said. “I went by your office today but Roy said you were away on family business. I am so glad to see you.”

“Did it happen again, Tara?” Colin asked.

For the first time, Gemma saw his “sheriff face.” In a second he went from teasing and laughing to very serious.

When the woman said, “Someone trampled my flowers again,” Gemma had to restrain her smile. The news on TV was full of murders and other heinous crimes, but this woman was concerned about her tulips?

“Did Roy make casts of the footprints?”

“Yes. She came as soon as I called.”

Gemma’s eyes widened. Footprint casts? This sounded more serious than just flowers being knocked down.

“Colin, I don’t know what to do,” Tara said. “I have two little kids and with Jimmie away so much . . .”

Colin put his arm out to the woman and she laid her cheek against his chest as she tried not to cry. “Want to stay in our guesthouse?” he asked as he put his hand on her back. “The big one is taken, but you and the kids are welcome to use the second one.”

She pulled away. “No, we’ll be all right. That man you recommended is putting the cameras up, and Jimmie will be home tonight, so we’ll be fine.” Tara pulled a tissue out of her pocket and blew her nose as she looked at Gemma. “Is this a new girlfriend?”