“He’s a great guy,” Colin said. “Hey! You should get him to tell you about his family. They’ve been doctors for generations, and he has a couple of scandals in his past that would probably interest you.”

“Like what?” In front of them, at the end of the driveway, was a black utility vehicle, and Colin motioned for her to get in. “Until your side heals, you’re to take it easy, understand?”

“Yes, Sheriff Frazier,” she said, smiling.

“Good attitude.” He held her hand as she stepped into the small truck. When Colin got in beside her, her side was pressed against his, and she felt her heart begin to flutter. What are you? she silently asked herself. Fourteen?

“Unmarried mothers,” Colin said.

She had no idea what he was talking about and her face said so.

“You asked about Tris’s family scandals. I don’t know much about them except that a long time ago two Aldredge girls came home to Edilean pregnant but they weren’t married.”


“No. If I remember correctly, they were about fifty years apart.”

“Single mothers are common in any family tree.” She paused. “One of the people in the letter I read was named Winnie. I assume that’s Winifred. Know anyone by that name?”


“How about a woman named Tamsen?”

“Not that I remember,” Colin said. “You should talk to Luke’s wife, Jocelyn. She’s done a lot on the genealogy of people in Edilean.”

“Luke the writer? The man who had sense enough to get out of your way?”

“Sorry about that,” Colin said. “When there’s an emergency—”

“You get there as quickly as you can so you can help people,” Gemma finished for him.

“Yeah, I do.” They had reached the guesthouse, and at the sight of it, Gemma gave a sigh.

“Looks like home to you?”

“More or less.”

Colin unlocked the door. “It’s a bit isolated back here, so I want you to keep the doors locked. Okay?”

“Sure.” She stepped inside the living room. Off the kitchen was a small, round table that was set up with service for two.

“I guess Rachel thought . . .” He didn’t continue.

She didn’t want him to leave, and from the way he was hesitating, maybe he wanted to stay. “Hungry? We can eat and I’ll ask you about the Stone that grants wishes.”

“A Stone? Wishes?” Colin looked at her in surprise. “You didn’t mention wishes before, or a Stone.”

“I guess not. Do you know anything about them?”

“Actually, I think I do. I may know what you read about, but I have to go get something. I’ll be right back and—” He glanced at the table.

“I’ll have everything ready.”

“Great. I missed lunch too.”

“Think Rachel made enough?”

Colin looked serious. “A salad is all I need,” he said, then hurried out the door.