Rachel turned around to face Gemma. “Colin seems to think Jean’s going to move to itty-bitty Edilean, pump out three kids, and they’ll live happily ever after.”

Gemma thought of the house Colin had bought and what he’d said about his friends starting families. It looked like Rachel was right. “Isn’t it fashionable for women today to give up their careers and become stay-at-home moms?”

Rachel snorted. “You’ve met Jean. Do you think Edilean is exciting enough for her?”

Gemma hadn’t seen much of the cute little town, but it was true that she couldn’t see Jean in her heels and her fabulously expensive clothes walking about. “Maybe she could be mayor,” she said.

“And deal with lost dogs? I don’t think so.” Rachel pulled a buzzing cell phone out of her pocket and looked at the screen. “It’s Mr. F. He’s sitting at the table but there’s no food. To him, this is a great catastrophe.”

“He texted you from the dining room?”

Rachel was smiling. “That’s right. He bought me a BlackBerry and pays the bills just so he can tell me where he is and where I’m to take his food. You’ll learn that the Fraziers aren’t like the rest of the world.” The phone vibrated again, and she looked at it. “He’s reminding me that I’m supposed to send you in.”

Gemma got off the stool. “Now that Isla and Kirk are gone, I’d love to have breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Frazier.” Pausing, she looked back at Rachel, her face serious. “Is there anything I should know about these people? I’m going to be here quite a while.”

“They’re nice. A bit spoiled by too much money, maybe, but they’re good people. Stay away from Lanny—unless you want to become a notch on his bedpost, that is—and let Shamus draw you. And when Pere comes home, don’t fall for him. His parents don’t know it, but his heart is already spoken for.”

Gemma ran her hand along the cool countertop. “What about Colin?” When Rachel didn’t answer, she looked at her.

Rachel wasn’t smiling but her eyes were dancing. “Colin is the best of the lot. But you need to know that he is fantastically loyal and . . .”

“And what?”

“Jean owns him. Remember Shrek fighting the dragon to get to Princess Fiona?”


“That dragon is a delicate little butterfly compared to Jean. Unless you plan to fight to the death, stay away from Colin.”

“Thanks,” Gemma said and started toward the door. “What about some doctor? Tristan, was it?”

Rachel waved her hand in dismissal. “Dr. Tris is not to be had. The impossible dream. The mountain never climbed. If you even get a date with him, consider yourself lucky, but if you set your heart on him, it’ll be broken.”

Gemma raised her eyebrows. “What an extraordinary town this seems to be,” she murmured as she went into the dining room.

Mr. Frazier was sitting at the head of the table, reading a newspaper. “ ’Bout time,” he said without looking up. “I’m starving.”

“Sorry but it’s just me,” Gemma said as she sat down beside him. “No food. But Rachel was frying a piece of ham the size of a small pond.”

Mr. Frazier put down his newspaper and grinned at her. “That sounds right. After last night I need sustenance. Did Rachel fill you in on all the gossip?”

“I take it Isla won’t be invited back.”

Mr. Frazier chuckled. “My wife believes that our sons are being seduced by every woman they speak to. Although I must say that Lanny is the only one who consistently says yes. If he ever—”

Gemma knew what he was going to say and cut him off. “I spend most of my days with very healthy young men. I can handle myself.”

“Good!” he said, then looked up to see Rachel entering with a tray full of food. “I lost ten pounds waiting for you.”

“You could stand to lose twenty,” Rachel said, unperturbed. “Where’s Mrs. F?”

“On the phone. She has half a dozen friends to call to tell about the job and Gemma and the latest of what some girl did to Lanny.”

Rachel shook her head. “Nothing ever changes. You want raspberry or peach jam? No. Wait. You want both.”

“Why not? We have Gemma’s arrival to celebrate.”

“Any excuse,” Rachel said as she went back to the kitchen.