TWO WEEKS, EDILEAN thought. Two entire, whole weeks since she’d seen Angus. After that night when they’d gone to Matthew Aldredge’s house, and after what happened to poor James’s body, Angus said he wouldn’t be returning to the house with them.

It wasn’t until that moment that Edilean realized she’d been looking forward to the coming fight they’d have. Angus would tell her how sorry he was for having left her, she’d tell him that she’d never forgive him, then—And then they’d end up with him on his knees begging her to marry him. She would, of course, finally say yes, but she’d take her time, and she planned to make him suffer.

Edilean had even imagined how she’d work with Harriet and Prudence to plan their triple wedding in the largest church in Boston. They’d all get married together, but afterward, they’d separate to go on their bridal tours. Edilean felt dizzy with the romance of it all.

But as with everything with Angus, nothing went as she’d planned. Angus stayed behind with Matthew while the others went back to Edilean’s house. For two days she’d smiled, anticipating that Angus would come to the front door with his arms full of roses and apologies on his lips. While the other couples around her snuggled and cooed at each other, Edilean kept smiling as she imagined what would happen when she next saw Angus. Would he have a ring for her?

But the days went by, and he didn’t show up. On the fifth day, Shamus volunteered to go find him. “And I’ll tell him what I think of him for treating you this way, Miss.”

“Oh, Shamus,” Prudence said, her voice full of love. “You’d hurt him.”

“It’s what I mean to do,” Shamus said in a voice that was deeper than normal.

Edilean could almost see Angus rolling his eyes and telling Shamus that he was ready to take him on anytime, anywhere. But Angus wasn’t there, and no one knew where he was.

Just as she knew they would, the others had paired off permanently. Malcolm asked Harriet to marry him and go back to Scotland to live. She hadn’t hesitated in saying yes, and at the end of the summer they were to be wed. Since then, they’d not stopped talking about all the things they were going to do in their new, old country. Malcolm told her in detail about every person of the McTern clan, so Harriet felt as though she already knew them. Edilean heard Harriet going over the names of the children.

“And Kenna has six children, five boys and one girl. Her daughter’s name is... No! Don’t tell me, I’ll remember.”

Edilean couldn’t bear to hear such happiness.

As for Shamus and Prudence, they seemed to care about only one thing, and that was the physical part of their lives. After one afternoon when she and Harriet and Malcolm had returned to the house to hear some enthusiastic pounding from upstairs, Malcolm gave Shamus a piece of his mind, and their wedding was also to be at the end of the summer.

There was one unexpected development, though. To Edilean’s horror, Tam started making eyes at Tabitha—and Edilean let Tabitha know what she thought of the situation. “He’s a boy!” she half yelled at Tabitha. “Just a boy and you’re—”

Tabitha was unperturbed by Edilean’s anger. “I’m what can teach him all he needs to know.” She looked Edilean up and down. “So did he leave you again?”

“No!” Edilean shouted. “He did not ‘leave’ me. Angus—” She broke off because she had no idea where Angus was or what he was doing. The day after they’d gone to Matthew Aldredge’s house, Malcolm had insisted that Edilean sit with him in the parlor so he could talk to her at length about Angus’s fine qualities.

“Lass,” Malcolm said, “he’d never do to you what you think he has. When he left you before, he did it for your own good.” Malcolm went on to tell Edilean in detail what Angus had done after James again put up the handbills for Angus’s arrest. Years later, it had taken Malcolm, Shamus, and Tam a lot of time to find Angus. They’d told him that it’d been easy to find him, but it hadn’t been. It was as though Angus had disappeared off the face of the earth, and they began to think that James Harcourt had found him and had him killed.

For weeks the three Scotsmen went from city to city, searching for him. The problem was that they had no picture of Angus without his beard, and they had no idea what name he was using.

It was Shamus, drinking in a tavern in Charleston, who heard about a man named Angus Harcourt who worked with the army in the far west. “Slips around in the dark like he can see in it as well as in sunlight,” the former soldier


“What’s he look like?” Shamus asked.

“Big man.”

“As big as me?” Shamus shot at him.

“I’ve seen mountains smaller than you,” the man said, making Shamus smile. “No, Angus is a big man but he’s also pretty.”

“Pretty?” Shamus asked in disbelief. “You mean like a girl?”

“No, more like a...” The man waved his hand. “The girls like him, but I heard he’s been havin’ trouble with the fort commander’s daughter.”

“Ah.” Shamus gave a half smile. “Think he’ll marry her?”

The man laughed. “Not if Captain Austin has anything to do with it, he won’t. He’s a nasty piece of work. Downright scary.”

“So where is this Angus Harcourt?” Shamus asked.

“I can’t tell you but I could draw a map.”