Gavin was thoughtful, watching his brother, hearing beyond his words. “Christopher Audley came by some time ago. Did he find you before your wedding?”

Stephen pushed his food away. “Chris was killed in Scotland.”


Stephen wondered how he could explain that Chris was killed in what, to a knight like Gavin, would be a dishonorable fight. “A cattle raid. Some of Bronwyn’s men were killed trying to protect him.”

“Protect Chris? But he was an excellent fighter. His armor—”

“Damn his armor!” Stephen snapped. “The man couldn’t run. He was, as Douglas said, trapped inside a steel coffin.”

“I don’t understand. How?”

Stephen was saved from answering by the door bursting open.

Raine and Miles exploded into the room. Raine bounded across the floor, his footsteps jarring the windows. He lifted his older, but lighter, brother into a crushing embrace. “Stephen! We heard you were dead.”

“He will be if you don’t release him,” Miles said calmly.

Raine let up on some of the pressure he was exerting. “You’re still a skinny little thing,” he said smugly.

Stephen grinned at his brother, then proceeded to push his arms out against Raine’s. He grinned more broadly as he felt Raine’s arms move. Stephen pushed harder and Raine applied more pressure. Raine lost.

Stephen smiled at his brother in pure pleasure. There weren’t many men who could overpower Raine’s massive strength without resorting to a weapon. He offered silent thanks to Tam.

Raine stepped away and grinned at his brother with pride. “Scotland seems to agree with you.”

“Or else you’ve neglected your training,” Stephen said smugly.

Raine’s dimples deepened. “Perhaps you’d like to test that.”

“Here!” Miles said, stepping between his brothers. “Don’t let Raine kill you before I can welcome you home.” He embraced Stephen.

“You’ve grown, Miles,” Stephen said, “and you’ve put on weight.”

Gavin snorted. “It’s the women. Two of the cook’s helpers are trying to see which one can outcook the other.”

“I see,” Stephen laughed. “And the prize is our baby brother?”

Raine laughed. “What there is left of him after the other women have finished with him.”

Miles ignored all of his brothers. He rarely smiled broadly, as his brothers did. He was a solemn man, and the emotion that he felt showed in his piercing gray eyes. Now he looked about the room. “James said your wife returned with you.”

“Leave it to Miles,” Gavin laughed. “At least now I can have Judith to myself once in a while. Every time I look up, she’s with one of my worthless brothers.”

“Gavin works her like a serf,” Raine said half seriously.

Stephen smiled. It was good to be home again, to see Gavin and Raine arguing, to hear them teasing Miles. His brothers had changed little in the last few months. Raine, if anything, looked stronger and healthier, his love for the world carried openly. Miles still stood to one side, a part of the group yet separate. And Gavin drew them all together. Gavin was the solid one, the one who loved the earth. Where Gavin was, was home for the Montgomerys.

“I’m not sure I’m ready for you to meet Bronwyn,” Stephen began.

“Shy, is she?” Raine asked, concerned. “I hope you didn’t drag her all across England with you. Why didn’t we see your baggage wagons? Where are your men?”

Stephen took a deep breath and laughed. They’d never believe him if he told the truth. “No, I wouldn’t exactly call Bronwyn shy,” he chuckled.

Chapter Fourteen

BRONWYN SAT UP TO HER NECK IN A TUB OF HOT, SOAPY water. A fire burned brightly in the big fireplace, making the room warm and fragrant. She relaxed in the tub and looked about her. The bedchamber was beautiful, from the beamed ceiling to the Spanish-tile floor. The walls were of white-painted wood with tiny rosebuds twining about the joints. The enormous canopied bed was hung with deep rose velvet. The chairs, benches, and cabinets in the room were all handsomely carved with tall, pointed arches.