Would she close herself away, as Abigail had, or would she take the chance?

Hadn’t she been a coward long enough?

Wiping her damp face, she got to her feet. She had to go to him. She would go to him. Somehow.

Of course, such things are never simple. She had children, and could hardly leave them to fend for themselves. She had guests at the inn, and a job to do. It took her hours to manage it, and with every minute that passed, the doubts weighed more heavily.

She combated them by reminding herself that it didn’t matter how clumsy she was. He wanted her. That would be enough.

“I’m so grateful, Ed. I know it’s a lot to ask.”

“Hey—” Already settled down in front of the television with a bowl of popcorn, Ed waved a hand “—so I closed a little early. I get a night off.”

“The kids are asleep.” But still Cassie fretted. “They hardly ever wake up after they’re down.”

“Don’t you worry about those angels. And don’t worry about the people downstairs,” she added, anticipating Cassie. “They want anything, they’ll call up here and let me know. I’m going to watch this love story I rented, then hit the sack.”

“You take the bed. You promised,” Cassie insisted. “I’ll just flop down on the couch when I get back.”

“Mm-hmm…” Ed was betting that wouldn’t be until dawn. “You say hi to Devin for me, now.”

Cassie twisted the collar of her blouse in her fingers. “I’m just going over to his office for a little while.”

“If you say so, honey.”

“He’s angry with me, Ed. He’s so angry with me, he might just boot me out.”

Ed stopped the videotape she was watching, turned around on the couch and gave Cassie one long, summing-up look. “Honey, you look at him like that, and he’s not going to boot you anywhere but into that cot he’s got in the back room.” When Cassie wrapped her arms around her body, Ed only laughed. “Oh, you stop that now. Devin’s not going to push you into anything. A man like that doesn’t have to push. He just has to be.”

“How did you know I was going over there to…to try to…”

“Cassie, honey, look who you’re talking to here. I’ve been around this block plenty. You call me, ask if I’d settle in here for the night because you need to see Devin, I’m going to figure it out. And it’s long past time, if you ask me.”

Cassie looked down at her plain cotton blouse and simple trousers. Her neat flat-heeled shoes. Hardly the garb of a femme fatale. “Ed, I’m no good at this

sort of thing.”

Ed cocked her head. “I’d wager Devin’s plenty good at it, so don’t you worry.”

“Regan said I should let him set the pace. Maybe I shouldn’t be going over there.”

“Sweetie pie, sometimes even a real man needs a little kick. Now you stop second-guessing yourself and wringing your hands. Go on over there and get him.”

“I should do something with my hair,” Cassie fretted. “And I’ve chewed off my lipstick, haven’t I? Maybe I should put on a dress.”

“Cassie.” Ed tipped down her rhinestone glasses, peered over them. “You look fine. You look fresh. He doesn’t care what you’re wearing, take my word for it. He’s only going to care that you’re there. Now go get him.”

“All right.” Cassie squared her shoulders, picked up her purse. “I’m going. I’m going now. But if you need anything, just—”

“I won’t need a thing. Go.”

“I’m going.”

Ed wiggled her bright red brows as Cassie went out the door. Poor kid, she thought. She looked like she was walking out in front of a firing squad. With a cackle, Ed tipped her glasses back up and flipped the video back on.

Her money was on Devin MacKade.

Chapter 7