
She opened her eyes, and they were heavy and clouded and confused. “I don’t know what to say now.” Yes, she did, she realized. “Will you kiss me again?”

Twelve years of repression kept him from groaning out loud. “Not just this minute,” he said, and held her at arm’s length. Any closer, and he might just toss her over his shoulder and carry her off behind some handy rock. He wasn’t sure either of them was ready for that. “I figure we ought to spread it out a little.”

“No one’s ever kissed me like that. Made me feel like this.”

“Cassie.” The words had his libido growing fangs. Snapping down on it, he took her hand. “Let’s go back. I…haven’t had lunch.”

“Oh, you must be starving.”

“Right.” He could almost laugh at himself as he pulled her back onto the field.

Chapter 5

“I really appreciate this, Cassie.” Regan tucked a giggling Nate into his portable swing, then bent over to kiss him as he bounced gleefully. “With out-of-town clients coming into the shop this morning, I just can’t keep him with me. And Rafe’s got two crews to supervise.”

“It’s a real hardship,” Cassie said from the sink. “I can’t think of anything more annoying than having to play with the baby.”

“He is wonderful, isn’t he? I can’t believe he’s already five months old.” When she cranked up the music on the swing, Nate began to kick his feet in delight. “I nursed him an hour ago, and I’ve got plenty of bottles here, and diapers, and two changes of clothes, and—”

“Regan, I know what to do with a baby.”

“Of course you do.” Grinning foolishly at Nate, Regan swept her hair back. “It’s just that I know you’re so busy with the inn.”

“You and Rafe are slave drivers, it’s true, but I’m learning to bear up.”

Amused, Regan cocked her head. “You’re joking, and you’re smiling, and I’m pretty sure I heard you singing when I came in.”

“I’m happy.” Cassie loaded plates into the dishwasher. The breakfast hour was over, and the guests were either gone or relaxing in their rooms. “I didn’t know I could be this happy. This is the most wonderful house in the world.”

Regan handed Nate a ring of colorful plastic to jiggle. “So working here makes you happy?”

“Absolutely. Not that I wasn’t happy working for Ed, but…I love living here, Regan.” She beamed at the view from the window. “The kids love living here.”

Regan ran her tongue around her teeth. “And that’s why you were singing?”

Cassie bent over a little farther, busied herself arranging dishes. “Actually, there is something else. I guess you’ve got to go open the shop.”

“I’ve got a few minutes. One of the perks of running my own business.”

If there was anyone she could talk to, it was Regan. Cassie straightened, took a deep breath. “Devin—it’s about Devin. That is, I’m probably making too much of it. Or not making enough of it. It’s just, well… Do you want some coffee?”


“He kissed me,” she blurted out, then slapped a hand to her mouth when a laugh bubbled out. “I mean, kissed me. Not like Rafe kisses me, or Shane or Jared. I mean, like… My hands are sweating.”

“It’s about time,” Regan said, with feeling. “I thought he’d never get to it.”

“You’re not surprised.”

“Cassie, the man would crawl naked over hot coals for you.” She decided she would have some coffee, and walked over to the stove to pour it herself. “So, how was it?”

Regan’s statement had Cassie running a nervous hand through her hair. “How was what?”

With a chuckle, Regan sipped and leaned back against the counter. “I have to figure that he has more in common with Rafe than a quick temper and great looks. So it must have been a pretty terrific kiss.”

“It was at the picnic, two days ago. My head’s still buzzing.”