Page 68 of The Scourge

Besides, there was no looking back now for any of us. We could not stop until everyone knew the truth about the Scourge.

It was a good thing Jonas was carrying Della, because any strength she'd had earlier had been exhausted on that laundry bin. She'd wielded it like a weapon, though, no doubt about that.

"What now?" Jonas asked. The tall fence was right in front of us. It wouldn't take the wardens long to figure out we had left the examination room. They'd be coming for us within minutes.

Weevil pointed to a nearby door that had been built into the fence. "The other night, Ani and I heard noises back here, probably on the other side of this wall. I don't know what's over there, but it's got to be better than here. I can easily pick this lock, and we'll walk to freedom." He turned to me. "I know you broke one of the needles, but if you still have the second one and your knife--"

"I broke both needles."

"Both?" He paused, squinting at me before wiping rain off his face. "I've got to be honest with you, Ani. That's really terrible news. The worst."

"Don't be dramatic," I said. "There's another plan." I grabbed his hand and pulled him in the direction of the river that ran beneath the fence wall. Yesterday, it had been midsized, with a strong flow of water coming toward the Colony, but it had also been manageable. Now, thanks to the storm, the river had flooded its banks and doubled in its swiftness.

So, yes, obviously his plan had been better. But mine would make a great story one day. Or an amazing story, if we survived.

Staring at the river, Weevil swiped his hair away from his face. "You've got to be joking."

"We're good swimmers," I said to him.

"Not that good. I've never gone upriver in something like that."

"Me neither, not alone." I held out my hand for the rope that had tied Jonas. "If we tie ourselves close together and one of us always stays anchored on something, the other can pull us forward."

Weevil tilted his head, obviously doubtful. Then he reached for the rope. "All right, but if we live through this, you owe my mother a new pair of quilting needles."

We stood next to each other while Jonas bound together our inside hands. For anyone else, that would make swimming difficult, but Weevil and I were stronger when we worked together. It was decided that I would be the first anchor, and so before we jumped in, I took hold of the branches of a bush growing right next to the expanded river.

The current immediately grabbed us, trying to carry us back toward the Colony. Water splashed in our faces from the river but also from the heavy downpour of rain, making breathing difficult. I still kept a tight grip on the bush until Weevil reached the fence. Then he nodded at me, signaling that he was secure.

I released the branches and used Weevil's weight to help me push forward through the water. I grabbed the fence too, though it was mossy from years of standing over this river. Weevil said, "We'll bot

h hold on and both go under."

"If you let go of that fence, I won't be able to hold on alone," I warned.

"If you let go, I'll be even angrier than when you broke both needles," he countered.

"I broke them to get away from snakes!" I shouted. "Snakes, Weevil! Big ones!"

He winked and said, "I'll take that as your apology."

I started to protest, but he drew a deep breath and ducked under the water. I immediately followed. When we both came up for air, we were on the opposite side of the fence, outside the Colony. The rain fell just as hard here, obviously, and the terrain didn't look much different. But it definitely felt different, like we had accomplished something significant.

Weevil pointed out a rock on my side of the river. That's what we'd use to help us get out of the water. We braced our heads against the pole fence behind us and scooted sideways, getting as close to the riverbank as possible.

I grabbed the rock with my free hand, searching for a place where my fingers could dig in with a firm grip. Then Weevil swung around to my side so that he could reach for the rock as well. It was a lucky thing he found a good hold, because my hand slipped along some moss and I was pulled back underwater.

"Ani!" Weevil's fingers immediately interlaced with mine. My body yanked hard against the current, then slowly moved upstream again. Once I came up for air, I saw him lying belly down in the mud, his legs tangled around a bush to keep him from being dragged back to the river. Weevil pulled me from the water, then we lay beside each other on the bank to catch our breaths.

After a moment, I managed to sit, and coughed up some water I must've swallowed badly. Instantly, Weevil was beside me, though I wasn't sure if he was concerned about my choking, or whether he was forced to sit because our hands were still tied together. I wiggled my fingers, still woven with his. Why hadn't he let go yet? Why hadn't I?

"I'm fine," I said once I'd finished coughing. "Are you all right?"

Rather than answer, he lifted his free hand to my cheek, lightly stroking the skin. When I looked at him, I found a different expression in his eyes than I'd seen in four years of our friendship. I recognized it, though. It was the way Jonas looked at Della. And how my father looked at my mother when he didn't know I was watching.

Suddenly, I forgot how to swallow.

I bit my lip, even as I let myself move closer to him. "This will change everything, Weevil."