I exhaled as I took that in. If she was an Ironheart, then Endrick had the ability to communicate through her, if he desired. And I was certain that he desired it very much.

“You serve as a messenger?” I asked. “What is your message?”

“My king, Lord Endrick, wishes to know how many people must die before you accept your punishment for treason.”

That took me aback, but Celia had spoken so calmly, I wondered how deep Endrick’s hold was on her heart, how much he controlled her thoughts and feelings now.

“Your king, Lord Endrick, is the only one who needs to die,” I replied. “If he surrenders, all other lives will be spared, including yours.”

Celia lowered her eyes, as if listening, then said, “Lord Endrick refuses your offer. However, in his mercy, he has one of his own. Vow to serve him, and through you, he will rebuild the Dominion. You will be the lady of Woodcourt, Endrick’s prime counselor, and the most powerful woman in all of Antora.”

I arched a brow. “Most powerful woman? Without him, I would be a queen.”

“He knows you do not have the Olden Blade, nor does he believe you have any hope of finding it again.” Celia blinked once, her tone remaining disturbingly even. “But he invites you to come with me now, to go to him in peace. He will help you to understand your powers, and how to use them as he would.”

I shook my head. “I have no desire to do anything that will make me more like him. Tell your master that I refuse.”

Celia’s eyes flashed with a moment of panic, and her voice rose in pitch. “Refuse, and you will leave my master no choice but to kill you. But if you vow to serve him, he will allow you to keep your powers, and reap the rewards of service.”

“What rewards have you reaped?” I asked.

Celia didn’t even blink. “I am allowed to live, my lady.”

In its simplicity, that statement revealed just how desperate she must feel. But I could help. I could do more than that. If she would let me, I could heal her. Offering one hand out to her, I stepped forward. “Celia, I can save your heart. I can save you, but you must come with me into the forest.”

Celia shook her head. “It’s better to serve him willingly than to suffer needlessly. Either way, he will win in the end. Please, my lady, surrender to him and live.”

“I will survive just fine.”

“No, my lady. Unless you surrender, you will not survive the next minute.”

I looked around me, realizing I was standing on the forest boundary. Ahead of me, five archers who had obviously been in hiding all this time revealed themselves, all with their disk bows aimed at me. I could not attack them all, nor defend myself from so many disks.

One archer in particular caught my attention, a girl my own age with piercing brown eyes and long, thick lashes, and hair the exact color of Simon’s.

Simon once said he had a younger sister. Could this be her?

Celia raised one arm. “I am begging you to come with me, my lady. For the good of Antora. Nothing else will save your life.”

After several long seconds of waiting, Celia’s nervousness became apparent. Clearly, she did not want to give orders to harm me, but I knew she would if she had to.

A voice behind me commanded, “Return to the forest, Kestra. Now!”

I turned to see Loelle riding up behind me with Joth in the driver’s seat of her wagon. His lips were pressed tightly together in clear irritation, but Loelle’s entire body seemed to be tense with fear.

“My lady, announce your surrender and we will escort you to our king.” Celia’s eyes darted away from me. “He knows about those two behind you. The Navan were cursed here for a reason. They serve only themselves, falsely claiming a larger purpose in this world. Any kindness they are showing you now is only because it benefits them. Once they have taken from you all that they desire, you will be tossed aside.”

“That is not true!” Loelle’s tone sharpened. “Kestra, return to the forest!”

Celia’s gaze shifted back to me, her eyes pleading with me to listen to her. “My lady, they brought you here against your will, manipulating your powers, draining your strength, and robbing you of every glory that should be yours. Lord Endrick can restore it to you. Please, come with me now or these soldiers must shoot.”

I took a step backward, my toes on the boundary. I felt half-lives around me, attempting to drag me back with them, but I resisted their tug too.

“Is he frightened of me?” I asked Celia. “Lord Endrick knows what I can do to him.”

“The Lord of the Dominion fears nothing,” Celia said; then with a cry of pain, her body contracted. “Please, my lady. I beg you to come with me.”

He was squeezing on her heart. There was no reason for it—she had done nothing but obey him.