Which was her point. My ears rang with her accusation, that I was pure Dallisor. I had been raised by them, my opinions and attitudes shaped by their prejudices and desire for power. Yet within my veins, I was Endrean, bearing the same blood as the wicked man to whom the Dallisors kneeled. Both in body and in spirit, I was irredeemable.

Which meant I could hardly deny Trina's accusations.

But Tenger felt differently. He stood, seeming to tower over her and intending it that way. "Kestra Dallisor is not our enemy, Trina. Obviously, there must be consequences for what she's done, but we want her on our side."

Trina might've missed her captain's meaning. "Consequences? I'll take that dagger from her, sir, and run her through with it!"

Which, I noted, was a fine reason not to give her the dagger.

I stood as well, putting the wrapped Blade behind me. To Tenger, I said, "You'd trust the Olden Blade to someone who hands out threats like sugared treats? This weapon will doom our country if mishandled. Do not trust this responsib

ility to her."

Tenger sighed, and nodded. At least we agreed on that. "Trina, you will leave us."

"But I--"

"You need rest. Now go."

Trina shot me a glare that could cut stone, and probably confirmed her accusations against me. I had gotten the last word, after all. With a pronounced frown at Tenger, she stomped up the stairs and left. A cold silence followed in her wake, none of us entirely sure what should happen next.

"Much of what she said about you was true," Tenger began.

"Much of what she said was not," I countered. "For example, I never wanted her for a friend."

A grin tugged at his mouth. "Join us, Kestra. It will take some time for us to trust each other, but you would be a valuable addition to the Coracks."

I looked over at Darrow, not at all subtly. "Let's make a bargain. Choose a Halderian who has the spirit and the skill to defeat Endrick. If it's someone I can support, then I will join the Coracks and help your Infidante succeed."

Tenger tilted his head. "My choice will succeed, I assure you. Give me the Blade."

His choice wasn't Darrow. Surely he meant himself. The thought that all of us might be forced to follow this man into battle turned my stomach.

"Darrow and I need a horse and wagon. Once he's in it and I'm in the driver's box, I will give you the Blade."

Tenger smiled and nodded at Gabe, who drew his lever blade again. "You must know you've lost any chance to set terms."

The exact reason for my anger with Simon. Before Gabe came any closer, I put the dagger down on the table, then pushed it across to Tenger. "The master of the Olden Blade bears a terrible responsibility. I hope you understand that. Now, Darrow and I need that wagon."

Tenger picked up the dagger inside its cloth, examined it, then when he was satisfied, he stood and said to Loelle, "Find Simon and tend to his injuries. Gabe, you wait outside the door to be sure she doesn't try escaping."

"No, I'm free to go!" I bit into the words. "You lied!"

"As did you, my dear." Tenger gave me a polite bow, an insult really, then followed Gabe out of the room. The instant he closed the door, I ran over to Darrow, falling on my knees beside him. Nothing in his appearance had changed from the last few minutes, but he did seem to be breathing easier. "The medicine, is it helping?"

"It will soon, Kestra. They haven't been unkind. At her request, Celia was assigned to watch over me, and to bring me anything I need. She should be here soon."

She probably would be, if I had not frightened her and accused her of so many foul things. I had a temper too.

"Why didn't you tell me, Darrow?" Tears welled in my eyes. "Why didn't you tell me I'm Endrean?"

A slight gasp escaped him, though this seemed to come from emotional rather than physical pain. His whole expression softened when he looked at me, an unspoken apology. "Tell you such a cruel thing? And describe how you'd be hated, and targeted by every clan in the country? How you'd be compared to Endrick as if you were anything like him? How could I do that?"

"What am I supposed to do now? I'll never kneel to Endrick again, but he's my blood, maybe the last of my blood. Do I help these people kill him?"

Darrow shook his head. "I must tell you--"

"Am I meant to develop magic? If so, is it true that it will corrupt me?"