"No. I'm Endrean. My mother--"

"Yes, child, but who's your father?"

In a rush, the answer came to me, filling me with instant warmth and understanding ... and pain. Where Henry Dallisor had always resented me, threatened me, and tried to push me away, someone else had taught me, trained me, and kept me safe. Someone else had loved me as a father should, telling me exactly who he was without ever saying the words.

"Darrow," I whispered.

"You have a Halderian father, and an Endrean mother who gave her life to steal the Blade away from Lord Endrick. Why do you think I tried to bring you here three years ago? The Infidante never could have been anyone but you."

I shook my head, still unsure of what to say. "I don't want this."

"But will you accept it?"

Would I? Someone had to bring Lord Endrick down. Someone had to end the Dominion's harsh reign over Antora. I'd lost so much already just to get to this moment. What more would I lose before completing the heavy quest that lay ahead?

Everything. Before this was over, I risked losing everything. But that didn't mean I could walk away either.

I looked down at my palm, squeezed a tight fist, and then walked forward to pick up the Olden Blade. I grabbed it with confidence. This time, it would not reject me.

The Blade itself lit up like a sun, so bright that it hurt my eyes. There was no sting, no burn, only warmth that passed from the Blade into my arm, fusing itself into my very soul. Everything had gone silent around me--I was aware of that although I couldn't see anything but the Blade.

My Blade.

The Olden Blade was mine. I had claimed it.

With that awareness, I held the dagger high, clasping it with both hands. And I kept it there until the glow finally faded. Once it did, and my eyes adjusted so that I could see the townspeople again, I realized that every person in the area had risen to their feet, their right arms folded against their chest in my honor.

"You are the Infidante," Thorne whispered.

One to Vanquish, my mother had written. Not speaking of herself, for she would never return from the dungeons. Not speaking of Risha, who would go to the same doom. Not even Risha's daughter, no matter how much she desired this. Those were Anaya's words, carved into a dungeon wall, beneath a home that bowed to Lord Endrick himself. From the bowels of Antora's enemy would come the Infidante, destined to end the enemy's rule.

She meant me.

I couldn't believe what I'd just seen, or didn't want to. As the glow faded, Kestra lowered the Olden Blade. Her eyes remained determinedly forward, her jaw set square and strong in defiance. Yet I'd seen her look afraid before, and no matter how hard she tried to hide it, she was. The Halderians stared back at her, equally uncertain. Moments ago, they had chanted for her death. Now she was the one person who might save them, who might return their people to power.

Her people.

Just as Lord Endrick and the Endreans were her people. Her own blood was about to go to war with itself.

Thorne walked forward. "You know your first duty, my lady. The people would have you select our next ruler."

One to Rule.

Near me, Tenger was nursing his wounds. He glared fiercely at Kestra, but she didn't seem to notice.

Trina was sprawled on the ground beside Tenger, unconscious. The surprise she'd have upon waking almost felt cruel.

Kestra turned back to me. I'd become disheveled in the fight, with one missing boot, and with my tunic untucked and covering the handle of my sword. In response to her silent question, I shook my head, as serious as I'd ever been. With a curt nod, she faced forward again.

"I will give my selection for the throne in my own time," she said.

"Very well, my lady." Thorne took her hand with the Blade and raised it high, then called out, "My people, heed your Infidante, chosen to save the kingdom of Antora and restore the Halderians to the Scarlet Throne."

The cheer that rose from the crowd was muted and cautious. Kestra might hold the blade, but they had not forgotten who she was. I started toward her, hoping that after the crowd settled, I could speak with her, explain myself.

But it was not to be. Thorne cut between us, deliberately. "My lady, you must come with me. I have a safe place where you can spend the night."

"A safe place?" I asked. This was the man responsible for her kidnapping, and we were supposed to trust him now? "If she's the Infidante--"