"Totally," Fidget whispered.

Tubs grabbed Elliot by the neck and shoved his face into the tree root bars. "Tell her you'll do what she wants, jerk."

Elliot kicked his foot out behind him and sank it into Tubs's chubby stomach. Tubs released him with a gasp, and Elliot fell to the ground. He rubbed his neck, then said to Fidget, "Before I can do anything, I have to talk to Mr. Willimaker. If I can't call him, then will you send someone to let him know I'm here?"

"You can't call him," Fidget said, "but I can."

She flicked her wand, and immediately Mr. Willimaker appeared beside her. Unfortunately, he seemed to be just getting out of his bath. He had a towel around his waist, and his gray hair was still wet and sticking up in all directions. Most Brownies liked the just-stepped-out-of-a-tornado look, but Mr. Willimaker always tried to keep his hair neatly combed.

"Another Pixie?" Tubs asked.

"Brownie," Elliot said.

"He looks like a gopher with hands," Tubs whispered. Luckily, Mr. Willimaker was so confused, Elliot didn't think he heard.

"What--" Mr. Willimaker gasped, then he saw Elliot. "Oh, Your Highness." He tightened the

towel around himself and then turned to Fidget. "Princess Fidget, I demand an explanation."

"Like, chill out," she said. "You release Grissel, and I'll let you have your king back."

"Elliot's a king? But he's such a dork!" Tubs started laughing so hard that tears rolled down his face.

"He happens to be a very good king," Mr. Willimaker said. Then to Fidget, he added, "You know I can't release him without King Elliot's orders."

"Duh! So make him give the order."

"I won't," Elliot said.

"Is there someplace he and I can talk?" Mr. Willimaker asked Fidget. "Somewhere private?"

Fidget waved her wand again. In an instant, Elliot and Mr. Willimaker found themselves perched at the top of a lofty tree. They were so high up that Elliot couldn't see the ground. He only assumed it was somewhere far down below him. He grabbed the branch beneath him and held on tightly. Mr. Willimaker seemed more concerned about keeping his towel wrapped around himself than with falling.

"I'm so sorry, Your Highness," Mr. Willimaker began. "I knew she was talking to Grissel in the prison, but I didn't know they were planning something like this."

"Grissel never said anything?"

"A few days ago Grissel told his guards that the Pixies were forming a plot for his escape. I just didn't know it would be something like this."

Elliot rolled his eyes. "And you didn't think you should've told me about that?"

"Yes, obviously I should have told you. Forgive me."

"It's too late to worry about that now. Can you help me escape?"

"Pixie magic is more powerful than mine. I can't stop her from keeping you here." He twisted his hands together. "What are we going to do?"

Elliot grabbed Mr. Willimaker's hands and untwisted them, then said, "I'll figure a way out of this mess, but I'm not going to release Grissel."

"I think you have to, Your Highness."


Mr. Willimaker looked up at Elliot with a frown. "If you don't, she'll kill you."

Mr. Willimaker finally left Elliot with the agreement that he would speak to Grissel to find out what he knew about the Pixies' plot. As soon as Mr. Willimaker poofed away, Elliot was poofed back into the jail. Princess Fidget wasn't there anymore. In her place was another Pixie girl, also with blond hair but with bright blue eyes.

"Who are you?" Elliot asked.