Horatio seemed equally horrified. He shoved his soldier away from us. "You fool! General Radulf wants him alive!"

If anyone answered, I didn't hear them. My breath was locked in my throat and I felt warm blood pooling beneath me.

"Heal this," Crispus whispered. "Nic, I know you can."

So much had happened to my body over the last few days, I didn't have the same confidence. Even with magic, there were limits to what I could take. I closed my eyes anyway and tried to find the Divine Star, or even the bulla, but the pain was so fierce it made any concentration difficult.

Crispus pulled the bulla out from beneath my tunic and pressed it into my hand. Instantly it began to work, though as I called upon the Star, Radulf crept into my head too. He was angry. He hadn't wanted Horatio to injure me. And I understood then that he didn't like Horatio. Finally, we had something in common.

"He should've done worse," I muttered, hoping Radulf could hear me. "This won't stop me from fighting you tomorrow."

"I hope not." Radulf laughed, sending a chill through my bones. "Because if you fail to show up in that arena, I will punish Livia for your cowardice."

His words were like a second wound. "Don't hurt her!" I cried. "I will be there!"

"Who is the boy talking to?" Horatio asked.

Crispus seemed to understand. "Ignore what you're hearing, Nic. Just heal that wound."

"Take the boy," Horatio said. "He's in no condition to stop us now."

That was true enough. The sting wasn't so bad now, so I knew

I was beginning to heal, but it had also taken strength from me. While one soldier kicked Crispus away from me and then kept a sword on him and his father, the other picked me up.

"Put him in the wagon." Horatio then turned to Valerius. "There will be consequences for hiding the boy here. Until then, may I remind you that I am the sponsor for tomorrow's games in the amphitheater? As a fellow senator, I expect you to be there to show your support. We must not let the people think there are ... differences between us."

Valerius responded with a frown. "Tomorrow, you will make yourself a traitor to Rome. Trust me, there are differences between us."

Horatio laughed. "Are you sure about that?" He stepped closer. "If you could use the bulla, would this boy still be alive?"

If Valerius answered, I didn't hear it. The soldier had carried me out by then and dumped me in the back of the wagon.

"Nic? Are you all right?" Aurelia jumped from a carriage, which her father must have arrived in, but a third soldier quickly forced her back inside. Horatio came out immediately after and got into the carriage with them. Once it left, ours followed behind it. Chains lay in a pile near my legs and despite my weakness, I kicked them away.

"We should put them on the boy," one of the guards said.

My eyes narrowed. "Try it and the only parts of this wagon that'll be seen again will be splinters on this road."

One man leaned forward with a sneer on his face and breath so rancid it actually made me remember Sal's more kindly. "I was in the arena that day. I saw what you did, and trust me when I say that there's plenty we'd have done to you already, except that Radulf made us promise not to touch you."

"So Horatio has already given his loyalty to Radulf?" I asked.

"Not yet." The sneer turned into a smile of genuine pleasure. "He's going to announce that in the arena tomorrow, after your execution."

Horatio had a large apartment very near the amphitheater, though when we arrived I was immediately locked in an underground room. They warned me not to use magic in this tight space, but it wasn't necessary. I wasn't sure how many families lived above where I stood, and I wouldn't endanger them.

Besides, I had bigger issues pressing in on me. The revelation from Aurelia shouldn't have surprised me, and once I found out, I never should've been so harsh. I was still angry with her, but I also missed her, somehow. Whatever friendship we'd had was in ruins now.

Weighing even heavier on my mind was the question of who had turned me in to Horatio. As I considered it, the answer came like a lump in my throat. Sal.

Of course it had been Sal, who saw me leave the forum with Crispus. Even his crusty brain could figure out who Crispus's father was.

That suspicion was confirmed almost immediately when the door opened and Sal's face was on the other side. He'd been cleaned up and was now dressed in a long white toga. Despite that, he still reeked of the mines.

"Try anything and there's a dozen armed soldiers behind me waiting to take their shot at you," he said.

I didn't even blink. "Are you sure? Getting rid of you would do them a favor."