I run my hands over my face, knowing that if this situation was reversed, I would hope that Jules would be upfront with me. “Yeah, everything’s fine. It’s just…” I take a deep breath, hoping that I don’t send Jules into overdrive with anger. “Lisa was just hitting on me.”

Her hand flies to her chest and the look of worry overtaking her eyes is sad as hell. “What? What did she do? Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. She was leaning up close to make sure I could see down her blouse. Plus she kept touching my arm and flipping her hair.” A small chuckle escapes Jules’s lips and she covers her mouth to try to spare my ego from her following fit of giggles. I shift my body, crossing my arms. “I’m sorry. This is…funny?”

Yup, she’s still giggling. “She wasn’t hitting on you.”

I narrow my eyes and nod slowly. “Yes, she was, Jules. Look I know this might be tough with the whole Danny-Lisa situation but she was…”

“Did she kiss you?”

Her question is abrupt, which leads to me fumbling my words. “Wh—what? No of course not.”

“Sorry, hun. She wasn’t flirting with you.”

“I think I know what flirting looks like, Jules. I’ve had tons of women hit on me!”

“Wow, no low self esteem here, eh? Really? Tons?” She snickers again, and her father walks over to join us, asking Jules what’s so funny. “Oh nothing. My boyfriend thinks Lisa was flirting with him.”

Matt’s eyes widen as he turns to me. “She kissed you?!”

“What?! No. But…” I’m feeling more and more uncomfortable as I start self-doubting my interaction with Lisa. Was she hitting on me? Am I overthinking it? I clear my throat, ready to explain. “There was winking. She also mentioned how good looking I was and stuff.”

“So…?” Matt glares at me, waiting for the real true-blue juicy details—which I don’t have. But hell! She was flirting with me! Matt sighs, patting me on the back. “Rich, you are a good looking guy. But, Lisa doesn’t flirt. She makes out. And the winking thing? Well, she had a weird spa facial procedure with her mother a few years back. Now she just winks randomly. Best not to bring it up in a conversation—she’s super self-conscious about it.”

My shoulders slump down, and reality sets in. Turning toward Jules, I see a sweet smile resting on her face. “So…she wasn’t hitting on me?”

Moving over to me, she shrugs. “Better luck next time. Come on, dinner’s ready.” She and her dad start toward the dining room, leaving me standing there with a heavy level of bewilderment.

Well shit.

That’s embarrassing.

I can’t believe I’m sitting at this dining room table, about to eat dinner with my family and fake boyfriend. Kayden looks fantastic. Then again, he hasn’t stopped looking fantastic since I met him. I just want to snuggle into his neck and make believe forever.

When the thought fills my head, I shake it back and forth. Kayden warned me about this—the way I fall for any guy who looks at me. Which is sad, but true. After the Danny heartbreak, I figured I wasn’t good enough for anyone. Therefore, I settled for everyone. But since I met Kayden…seven hours ago…I’m a new woman! No more one-night stands! No more changing myself to make guys interested.

I’m going to be me, and if they don’t like that, well, screw them. I’m Jules Stone and I’m motherfucking awesome!

My eyes shift over to Kayden again, and I sigh. I still want to snuggle into him and make believe forever…which is sad because I know this is nothing more than an act.

“So Richard, Jules says you’re into accounting?” Dad asks, and I instantly feel bad. Kayden is too beautiful to be called a Richard.

“Yeah, but I’m thinking of diving into the business world. I’m really interested in commercial marketing.”

“Oh yeah? Did you go to school for that?”

“Actually I took a few classes, hoping to re-enroll in a few months. You know what they say. ‘It’s never too late to start over.’” I about lose it when I see Kayden’s full-toothed grin, directed at Dad. It’s the most charming smile I’ve seen in all of my life, and I want it to never disappear.

“You ever think about acting?” Danny asks, and I hate him for interacting with Kayden. I also hate him because he looks good, handsome even. It looks like he’s been working out; he’s looking really buff. And tan, too. He’s probably preparing for another movie role. Why does he have to look so good? I hate myself for thinking how good he looks, and I hate myself even more for wishing I were wearing my push-up bra.

“I beg your pardon?” Kayden asks, a bit thrown off by Danny’s question. I’ll admit that I am, too.

Danny laughs as he picks at his salad. I always hated that about him—how he picks at his food. Just eat it already! “I ask because, well, you’re a good-looking guy.” His hands fly up and he laughs again. What a stupid laugh. “No offense, Jules. I’m not hitting on your boyfriend.”

“Why not? It wouldn’t be the first time you hit on something that should have been off limits.” Even as the words roll off my tongue I taste it—my bitter resentment. Yup. It’s been over five years and I’m still replaying the memories, the scars through my head every single day. But how can I not? She’s my sister.

“Jules, that was unnecessary,” Dad scolds me. Mom chimes in quic