“I think…” I replied.

Graham scooped Talon into his arms, and I swore his excitement lit up the whole house. “She just took her first steps!” he exclaimed, swirling Talon in his arms as she giggled at the kisses he was giving to her cheeks. “You just took your first steps!”

We both began jumping up and down, cheering Talon on, who just kept giggling and clapping her hands together. We spent the rest of the evening on the floor, trying to get Talon to take more steps. Every time she did, we cheered as if she were an Olympic Gold Medalist. In our eyes, she was exactly that.

It was the best night of my life, watching the man who loved me love his baby girl so freely. When Talon finally fell asleep that night, Graham and I headed to his bedroom and held each other before sleep overtook us.

“Lucille?” he whispered against my neck as I snuggled myself closer to his warmth.


“I don’t want it to be true, but I want to prepare you. There’s going to come a time that I let you down. I don’t want to, but I think when people love each other, they sometimes let each other down.”

“Yes,” I nodded, knowingly. “But I am strong enough to lift myself back up. There will be a day that I let you down, too.”

“Yes,” he yawned before pulling my body closer to his. “But I’m certain on those days I’ll somehow love you more.”

The next morning, I was still on my high from Graham and Talon. That was until I went into work. Mari sat in the office at Monet’s Gardens with her fingers laced together as she examined the bookkeeping binders. Normally she handled the paperwork side of the business while I handled the front of the house. She was good at what she did, too, but when I walked into the office that afternoon, I could almost see the heavy cloud sitting over her.

I knew exactly what Mama would’ve said if she saw her baby girl in that moment.

Overthinking, again, my Mari Joy?

“What is it?” I asked, leaning against the doorframe.

She looked up at me, her brow knitted, and leaned back in her chair.

“Those are pretty much the most words you’ve said to me since I—”

“Moved back in with your ex?”

“My husband,” she corrected.

We hadn’t really spoken since the Parker situation exploded and she moved back in with him. I avoided all conversation about it, because I knew she’d made a choice. That was one thing about Mari—she overthought everything, but when she made her final decision, she followed through. There was nothing I could say to make her leave the monster she was currently sharing a bed with.

All I could do was patiently wait to piece her heart back together when he destroyed her—again.

“What is it?” I asked, nodding toward the paperwork.

She shook her head. “Nothing. I’m just trying to figure out numbers.”

“It’s not nothing,” I disagreed, walking over to the desk and sitting across from her. “You have that look about you.”

“That look?” she asked.

“You know, your worried look.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t have a worried look.”

I gave her an are-you-seriously-trying-to-say-you-don’t-have-a-worried-look look.

She sighed. “I don’t think we can keep Chrissy on staff.”

“What? She’s great. She’s actually way too good—better than both of us. We need her. I was actually going to talk to you about giving her a raise.”

“That’s the thing, Lucy, we don’t have the money to give her a raise. We hardly have enough to keep her here. I think it’s best if we let her go.”

I narrowed my eyes, confused by her words and certain they had been tainted. “Is this you or Parker talking?”