A note to the boy who has bad taste

By: Maggie May Riley

Brooks Tyler,

Mama always says that a great relationship is about two main things: loving the similariaties simliariates silimiaiities, stuff the couple has in common and then also respecting the different things.

I love that we both like peanut butter, and I respect your opinion about Jif.

Even if your opinion is wrong.


Maggie May

P.S. Did you find a tie?

A note to the girl who is still, STILL crazy

By: Brooks Tyler Griffin

Maggie May,

I don’t need a tie, because we’re never getting married.

And it’s spelled ‘similarities’, you idiot.


A note to the boy who made me cry

By: Maggie May Riley


That was mean.


A note to the girl who is still, STILL crazy, but shouldn’t ever cry

By: Brooks Tyler Griffin

Maggie May,

I’m sorry. I can be a real jerk.


A note to the boy who made me smile

By: Maggie May Riley

Brooks Tyler Griffin,

I forgive you.

Go with the mud-colored tie if you want to. No matter how bad you dress, I’ll still love becoming your wife.