“There never was anything normal about Tristan and me.”

She pushed the seesaw down and looked up at me. “Maybe it’s time to find a new normal, then. You deserve a normal life.”

I didn’t reply, but thought maybe she was right.

I just wished the Post-Its didn’t bring me so much comfort that he might come back to me one day.


I just need time to figure things out. I’ll be back soon. I love you. –TC


Wait for me. –TC


Everyone was wrong about us. Just please wait for me. –TC


“You have purple stuff on your lips, Sam,” I said as I walked into the café for my shift. He was quick to run his hands over his mouth as I watched his cheeks redden. For the past few weeks, Matty had started tossing Sam into the kitchen for the lunch service to learn to cook the café’s menu. He seemed so happy finally doing something he loved, and it turned out he was pretty amazing at it.

“Thanks,” he said, lifting up a stack of plates to take back to the dish room. As he walked through the door, Faye walked out, and they did an awkward tango of who-gets-to-step-out-of-the-way-first.

When Faye saw me, she shouted my way, greeting me. I smirked. “Nice purple lipstick you have on, friend.”

She smiled. “Thanks! I just bought it.”

“I swear I’ve seen it before.”

“Nope.” She shook her head. “I just got it last night.”

“No, I mean, I think I’ve seen it like, five seconds ago on Sam’s lips.”

Her face flushed, and she twiddled her fingers together, rushing over to me. “Oh my gosh, shit! Creepy Sam wears the same lipstick as me? I need to find myself a new color.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “You’re so full of crap. So tell me.”

“Tell you what?”

“Your nickname for his you-know-what.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh my gosh, Liz. We are almost thirty. Do you think we can not act like five-year-olds for one day?” The seriousness in her voice as she walked over to the counter t

o get a customer a cheese Danish made me wonder if she was truly growing up—until she shouted across the room, “Supersized Sam!”

I burst out laughing. “And to think, these past few months you convinced me that Sam was a creep.”

“Oh, he is. He’s a total creep. Like, he did this really creepy thing last night,” she explained, pulling out a chair at an empty table and sitting. I was still completely confused how she managed to keep her job at that place.

“What did he do?” I asked, sitting across from her. If you can’t beat them, join them.

“Well, for starters, he’s always asking me how I’m doing, which is just weird. It’s almost as if he wants to know about me.”

“Dude. Okay, that’s totally weirdo territory,” I mocked.

“Right! And then! Last night, he came over to my place, and I asked him which room he wanted to bang in, and he was all like, ‘No, I want to take you out somewhere fancy.’ Like, what? And then after dinner and drinks, he walked me up to my porch, kissed my cheek, and said he would love to take me out some other time! He didn’t even try to meet my vagina last night.”