“I’m kind of seeing someone, Tanner.”

His face dropped, confusion in his stare. “Seeing someone?” He stood straighter, uttering his fogged mind. “Are you seeing Sam? I know you two came together, but I didn’t think he was your type. I didn’t think—”

“It’s not Sam.”

“It’s not?” His stare moved across the room, landing on Tristan and Faye. When he looked back at me, the playfulness I’d seen moments before was gone. All color was drained from his face, where a new vibrant irritation now existed. “Tristan Cole?! You’re seeing Tristan Cole?!” he whisper-shouted. I cringed. I wasn’t exactly seeing Tristan. I truly had no clue how he even felt about me, but I knew I had these feelings for him—and I couldn’t ignore them much longer.

“You come back to town and you pick the absolute worst person to start dating.”

“He’s not as terrible as everyone thinks.”

“You’re right, he’s even worse.”

“Tanner.” I placed my hands against his chest. “I didn’t mean for this to happen, I didn’t mean to feel whatever it is I’m feeling for him, but you can’t help who you fall for.”

“Yes. You can. Tristan and Mr. Henson are not the kinds of people you want to be associated with.”

“What’s your problem with Mr. Henson’s shop anyway? Mr. Henson is one of the kindest men I’d ever met.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re wrong, Liz. And I’m terrified that Tristan is going to hurt you.”

“He won’t.” He didn’t believe me. He somehow convinced himself that the idea of me and Tristan was a terrible thing. Just like the rest of the town. “Tanner, he won’t. Now, come on,” I said, pulling him closer to me, feeling how stiff his body was. “Just dance with your friend and stop worrying so much about me.”

“I’m worried about your heart, Liz. After Steven, you were destroyed. I don’t want your heart to get broken again.”

Oh, Tanner.

I lay my head against his chest, and he combed his fingers through my hair. “I’ll be okay. I promise.”

“And if you’re not?”

“Well, I guess I’ll just need you to hug me sometimes.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


“I do

n’t think we have properly met,” Faye said as we danced together. “So you’re the penis that’s been inside my best friend’s vagina.”

Well, that’s one way of putting it. “And you’re the highly inappropriate best friend.”

She smiled wide. “That’s me. So listen, this is the part where I tell you if you hurt Liz, I will kill you.”

I laughed. “She and I are just friends.”

“You’re kidding, right? Jesus. The two of you are two of the dumbest human beings on the planet. You honestly can’t tell that my best friend is falling for you?”


“Look at her!” Faye said, glancing at Elizabeth. “She can’t take her eyes off of us, because she’s terrified that you might make me laugh, or I might touch your balls, or the wind might blow your penis into my mouth!”

“Wait, what?”

“Oh my freaking gosh, do I really have to spell it out for you? She’s jealous, Tristan!”

“Of us?”