She hardly glanced my way, giving me the cold shoulder. “Tristan, I’m working. And I’m pretty sure we’ve already spoken enough.”

I wrapped my hand around her forearm and slightly pulled her. “Lizzie, seriously.”

“Let her go,” Faye said, marching in front of us. “Now!”

“Faye, you don’t understand. Lizzie, it was Tanner. All of this was him. He was behind the notes, the accident, he was behind all of it.”

“What are you talking about?” Elizabeth asked, confusion floating in her eyes.

“I’ll explain it all later, but for now I need to know where Emma is. She’s in trouble, Lizzie.”



Faye gasped lightly. “What did you do to Tanner?” she asked, staring across the street. Two police officers were talking to him, and Tanner was pointing my way. Fuck.

“He’s insane. He said he was going to hurt Emma.”

Elizabeth was shaking, nerves taking her over. “Why would you say such a thing? I know Tanner has his moments, but he would never…”

She was interrupted as the cops came into the café. “Tristan Cole, you are under arrest for the attack on Tanner Chase.”

“What?” Elizabeth gasped, running her hands through her hair, confusion in her eyes. “What’s going on?”

The cop kept speaking as they went to handcuff me. “It turns out this guy was caught on Tanner Chase’s auto shop security cameras attacking him.” He began to speak to me. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.”

They dragged me out of the shop, and Elizabeth hurried outside to follow us. “Wait, this is a misunderstanding. Tristan, tell them. Tell them it’s a mistake,” she begged.

“Lizzie. Check on Emma. Okay? Just make sure she’s okay.” I really hoped she would believe me. I really hoped she would make sure Emma was all right.

“I leave the shop with you for three hours and come back to find you locked behind bars,” Mr. Henson joked.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, confused.

He cocked an eyebrow as a cop unlocked my cell door. “I think I’m paying your bail.”

“How did you know I was in here?”

“Oh. I did a tarot card reading.” I narrowed my eyes and he laughed. “Tristan, this is the most gossiping town of all towns. I overheard people talking about it. Plus,” he said as we rounded the corner of the hallway. “This little birdie dropped me a line.”

Elizabeth stood up from the bench in the front lobby and rushed over to me. “Tristan, what’s going on?”

“Is Emma safe?”

She nodded. “She’s with her grandparents.”

“Did you tell them what’s going on?”

“Not yet, I just asked them to watch her. I honestly don’t even know what’s happening, Tristan.”

“Tanner did this, Lizzie. All of this is Tanner. He left you the notes these past five months, not me. He’s the one who caused the accident with Steven’s car. He told me it was him, Lizzie. You have to believe me. He thinks all of this is some kind of sick game, and I’m certain he’s not going to stop until he gets the prize.”

“What’s the prize?”

“You are.”

She swallowed hard. “What do we do? How do we prove that he’s behind all of this?”