‘Rafiq tells us you have called a meeting for ten o’clock’

‘Yes.’ He glanced at his watch, frowned and stood up. ‘If you will excuse me, this is the time I call my father.’

To reach his office required him to pass by his suite door. It was closed. He hesitated, wondering whether or not to go in and at least try to make his peace. But Evie was in there, he remembered, and walked on, grimly glad of the excuse not to have to face that particular problem just now. For he had bigger fish to fry this morning.

Faysal was already in the office. ‘Get my father on the phone for me, Faysal,’ he instructed. ‘Then set the other room up ready for a meeting.’

‘It is to be today, sir?’ Faysal questioned in surprise.

‘Yes, today. In half an hour. My father, Faysal,’ he prompted before the other man could say any more. He glanced at his watch again as Faysal picked up the telephone. Had Leona stayed in their suite because she didn’t want to come face to face with him?

But Leona had not stayed in their suite because she was sulking, as Hassan so liked to call it. She was ill, and didn’t want anyone to know.

‘Don’t you dare tell anyone,’ she warned Evie. ‘I’ll be all right in a bit. It just keeps happening, and then it goes away again.’

‘How long?’ Evie looked worried.

‘A few days.’ Leona shrugged. ‘I don’t think I’ve got anything your children might catch, Evie,’ she then anxiously assured her. ‘I’m just—stressed out, that’s all.’

‘Stressed out.’ Evie was looking at her oddly.

‘It’s playing havoc with my stomach.’ Leona nodded and took another sip of the bottled water Evie had opened for her. ‘Who would not be feeling sick if they were stuck on this boat with a load of people they

liked as little as those people liked them? You and your family excluded, of course,’ she then added belatedly.

‘Oh, of course.’ Evie nodded and sat down on the edge of the bed, a bed with one half that had not been slept in. Hassan had not come back last night, and Leona was glad that he hadn’t.

‘I hate men,’ she announced huskily.

‘You mean you hate one man in particular.’

‘I’ll be glad when this is over and he just lets me go.’

‘Do you really think that is likely?’ Evie mocked. ‘Hassan is an Arab and they give up on nothing. Arrogant, possessive, stubborn, selfish and sweet,’ she listed ruefully. ‘It is the moments of sweetness that are their saving grace, I find.’

‘You’re lucky, you’ve got a nice one.’

‘He wasn’t nice at all on the day I sent him packing,’ Evie recalled. ‘In fact it was the worst moment of my life when he turned to leave with absolutely no protest. I knew it was the end. I’d seen it carved into his face like words set in stone…’

‘I know,’ Leona whispered miserably. ‘I’ve seen the look myself…’

Evie had seen the same look on Hassan’s face at the breakfast table. ‘Oh, Leona.’ She sighed. ‘The two of you have got to stop beating each other up like this. You love each other. Can’t that be enough?’

Raschid was not in agreement with Hassan’s timing. ‘Think about this,’ he urged. ‘We have too much time before we reach dry land. Time for them to fester on their disappointment.’

‘I need this settled,’ Hassan grimly insisted. ‘Leona is a mess. The longer I let the situation ride the more hesitant I appear. Both Abdul and Zafina Al-Yasin are becoming so over-confident that they think they may say what they please. My father agrees. It shall be done with today. Inshallah,’ he concluded.

‘Inshallah, indeed,’ Raschid murmured ruefully, and went away to prepare what he had been brought here specifically to say.

An hour later Evie was with her children, Medina and Zafina were seated quietly in one of the salons sipping coffee while they awaited the outcome of the meeting taking place on the deck below, and Leona and Samir were kitting up to go jet-skiing when Sheikh Raschid Al-Kadah decided it was time for him to speak.

‘I have listened to your arguments with great interest and some growing concern,’ he smoothly began. ‘Some of you seem to be suggesting that Hassan should make a choice between his country and his western wife. I find this a most disturbing concept—not only because I have a western wife myself, but because forward-thinking Arabs might be setting such outmoded boundaries upon their leaders for the sake of what?’

‘The blood line,’ Abdul said instantly.

Some of the others shifted uncomfortably. Raschid looked into the face of each and every one of them and challenged them to agree with Sheikh Abdul. It would be an insult to himself, his wife and children if they did so. None did.

‘The blood line was at risk six years ago, Abdul.’ He smoothly directed his answer at the man who had dared to offer such a dangerous reason. ‘When Hassan married, his wife was accepted by you all. What has changed?’