Page 24 of Slave to Love

So sheer defiance of her own feelings made her get herself ready for dinner with Karl. Dressed in a short, slinky dress of rich mulberry silk, her hair rearranged into the same bubbly curls on the top of her head, she waited until the very last moment before warily unlocking the bedroom door and stepping out to confront Mac again.

Only he wasn’t there. And as she stood there, staring at the neatly stacked pile of papers on the table, she could not stop and, strangely, did not want to stop the great wave of emptiness that washed over her.

* * *

Surprisingly, because she just hadn’t expected it to be, dinner with Karl was quite a pleasant experience. Mainly because Mac did not put in an appearance as she’d half expected him to. And, having spent the first half-hour constantly looking around them in case Mac did show his face, she then found herself feeling perversely irritated that he had not come to spoil the evening for her!

So perhaps it was defiance that made her respond to Karl’s practised manner as he set out to charm, tease and flirt with her over the dinner-table. Or maybe it was because she found it surprisingly pleasant to be made love to in such a public place, with half the room watching them enviously while they pretended not to notice the frequent glances sent their way.

They made a striking couple, she supposed. Both blonde, both attractive, both dressed to kill—he in the dark silk lounge-suit that fitted his long, lean frame so beautifully, and she in her mulberry silk that she knew did so much for the creamy texture of her skin.

She laughed at his teasing and pouted at his more suggestive remarks. Ate delicious food and drank an even more delicious blood-red wine. And, in general, allowed defiance free rein over how she responded—if only because she was determined that if Mac should happen to walk into the restaurant he would see just how much enjoyment she could have in the company of another man.

Whatever, light-headed from too much wine and stroked into an easy mood of acquiescence by Karl’s warm and amusing company, she agreed to remove to another room w

here a small band was playing lazy blues for the couples moving together on a dimly lit dance-floor.

‘You have the most sensually alluring body I have ever held in my arms,’ Karl told her as they swayed to the lazy music.

‘Have I?’ She turned her head a little to look up at him. ‘Thank you,’ she murmured huskily. ‘That was a very nice thing to say.’

His blue eyes darkened. ‘I would like to say a lot more to you, Roberta,’ he returned deeply. ‘But not here. Not in this place with all these people looking on and envying me the most beautiful woman here.’

She knew what he was suggesting, knew with a niggling sense of guilt that she had been all but asking for it through her own behaviour all evening. And as she stood there, enclosed in Karl’s arms with his blue gaze sinking sensually into her own, she found herself wondering just what it would be like to have this man make love to her.

She liked Karl. She liked looking at him, she liked the feel of his hands on her back and the way her body brushed against him as they moved; she even liked the idea of feeling his mouth against her own. But would she like him making love to her? Undressing her? Touching her where only one man had ever touched her?

The hand suddenly fixing itself around her upper arm sent the hot, tingling sting of elation rushing through her and, at the same moment, gave her the answer to her question.

‘Excuse me,’ a cool voice intruded.

Roberta closed her eyes.

Mac. Of course it was Mac.


‘MINE, I think,’ he said as smoothly but firmly he pulled Roberta out of Karl’s arms.

‘Mac,’ she whispered pleadingly, cheeks flushing when she sensed, from both the icy tone of his voice and the painful grip he had on her arm, a scene beginning to brew. ‘You—’

His arms closed right around her, staking claim of possession right down to the way his mouth brushed away any words she was about to say. ‘Sorry I’m so late, darling,’ he murmured. ‘But I was held up longer than I expected to be.’

What do you think you’re playing at? her angry green gaze demanded.

What the hell do you think? his angry expression replied, daring her to make a scene by denying his right to be so possessive. A moment’s battle with their eyes, with the tension beginning to flow between them, not all due to this particular situation, and she lowered her eyes, the sound of lazy music and the fact that they were not alone on the small dance-floor making her uncomfortably aware of the interest they were causing and forcing her to concede the battle to him.

Another kiss brushed her mouth, consolidating his victory, and she wanted to slap his arrogant face! He knew it, too, because she heard him utter a soft laugh, then, ‘Aren’t you going to introduce me to your—companion, darling?’ he prompted silkily.

‘This is Karl Loring,’ she reluctantly complied. ‘A friend of Joel’s and my interpreter while I’m here in Zurich. Karl—’ she lifted uncomfortable eyes to him, not surprised to find him studying them both narrowly ‘—this is Solomon Maclaine. Joel’s brother,’ she added, quite unnecessarily, she realised almost immediately, because she had only had to mention Mac’s name for Karl to stiffen up in recognition, but she finished the introduction anyway. ‘And, of course, my—’

Boss, she had been going to say, but Mac pre-empted her. ‘I think Mr Loring understands exactly what I am to you, darling,’ he mocked, and turned his attention to Karl while Roberta struggled to control the hot flush of mortification trying to mount her cheeks. ‘Nice to meet you at last, Mr Loring,’ he acknowledged, with an amiable nod of his dark head. ‘My brother has spoken of you, of course.’

Karl returned the gesture with his head, and Roberta noticed curiously that he had gone quite pale. ‘I was not aware that you were in Zurich, Mr Maclaine,’ he murmured softly.

‘No?’ Mac frowned. ‘I’m surprised that Joel never mentioned the change in plan to you... Still,’ he added after a thoughtful moment, ‘I don’t suppose he would when my reasons for being here are purely personal—which reminds me—’ he smiled ‘—thank you for taking care of Roberta this evening.’ That rueful grin touched his mouth. ‘She hates it when I have to place her second over business, don’t you darling?’ he added, to reinforce the rotten gibe.

She tried to pull away from him, but he stopped her by tugging her close into his side, strong fingers increasing their claim to possession by settling along her ribcage right beneath the swell of her breasts. ‘But I’m here now.’ He glanced down at her hot and angry face. ‘So stop pouting,’ he scolded softly. ‘I’ll make it up to you later.’