Page 37 of The Ravishing

“Who was she?” I turned in my seat to look at him. “Another kidnap victim?”

“What are you talking about?” He glanced over.

“Whoever owned my dress.”

He smirked. “The one you stole?”


He agreed with a nod. “All in the details.”

“It’ll be awkward if it belonged to your mom.”

He shot back, “You’re not the only woman in my life, Anya.”

My chest tightened with this revelation. He had a lover, a woman who kept her clothes and toiletries at his place. I’d be naïve to think a man this handsome didn’t have a girlfriend. A lover he got to spend those lonely nights with.

“Let’s hope she’s not going where we are,” I said. “That would be awkward.”

“I imagine it would.”

“What’s her name?” I pushed.

“Sofia.” He took his eyes off the road just long enough to study me. “She’s my sister. The dress you found belongs to her.”

Relief came with a flash of heat to my cheeks. He glanced over and caught my embarrassment. “Where’s she now?”

“Far away.”

“Bet you wouldn’t like someone kidnapping her.”

“How about you play nice tonight?”

“Yes, let’s try to enjoy ourselves.” My sarcasm practically dripped all over the floor.

The car turned onto Royal Street, and after a minute or so of driving down the busy road, we pulled up outside the front of Hotel Monteleone.

Cassius gestured to a valet as he opened the door. He got out and closed it behind him with a slam. With seconds to escape, I pulled on my door handle, ready to leap to freedom before he could make it around to my side. My shaky fingers slipped from the lock, and I was sure he’d heard my failed attempt to bolt.

Trying to hide this burst of adrenaline, I averted my gaze when he approached my side. I caught Cassius handing over cash to the valet and sharing words with the young-looking man.

He’d lost his mind thinking this was acceptable behavior—I could scream or cry out and other guests would run to help me. My chance was finally here. It was all in the timing.

Cassius opened my door with a click of his fob. Stepping elegantly out of the car with my hand in his, I joined him on the curbside. He pulled me into a hug and with his free hand, he threw his keys to the valet.

Cassius’s mouth neared my ear, and he whispered, “Whatever you think this is, it isn’t.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Don’t talk to anyone. Don’t try to signal to anyone.”

I shot a glare in his direction. It wasn’t unusual for my parents to dine here, so there was a slim chance they’d be here tonight. Though what was more likely was they remained home wracked with guilt and sorrow for my loss, trying to keep Archie safe, too.

He curled his fingers against my cheek, and his tone softened. “You look beautiful.”

Those words had never been spoken to me before. What was I supposed to say? That I found him just as attractive. That being here tonight was a refreshing break from being locked up.

We made our way through the entrance as though arriving at a luxury hotel together as a couple was an ordinary event. Leaving behind the enduring heat and welcomed by the air conditioner that cooled my skin. He gave a nod to the concierge as we glided our way through the cozy foyer. Glancing left and right, I tried to get the attention of anyone who might look our way. Even after his threat.

He pulled me in tighter. “You’ll be glad to hear life in the Garden District has returned to normal.”

My flesh chilled with what he was insinuating, and my back stiffened as he guided me onward toward the dining room. The place where so many of our family dinners had been endured when my parents had brought Archie and me to this restaurant.

“What are you saying?”

“Your brother is living his best life. Back to playing video games and being a teenager without a care in the world. Seems a little strange, don’t you think?”

No, he wouldn’t have forgotten me. I refused to believe my brother was unaffected by my absence. Or maybe this was Cassius’s way of getting a rise out of me.

Swallowing my fear, I allowed him to guide me as a lover would.

“What was it you told me about your parents spending little time at home?” he chided. “Care to elaborate on who exactly is watching over Archie?”

Not only was he spying on my family, but he also had access to Archie. If things had returned to normal, my brother would be vulnerable again. Alone in that big house without me to protect him. Surely after what had happened, our home was heavily guarded.

“Understand what I’m saying?” Cassius shook me back into the moment.

Fine hairs prickled on my forearms as his insinuation burrowed into my soul. “Cassius.” My breath left me.