“I honestly don’t give a fuck if it looks like an entire army is protecting the girls. It won’t be enough,” I say emphatically.

“You’re right; I’ll get on that today,” Ham says, pulling out his phone. I down the water he gave me, wishing it was a beer, but I know that I’ve got to get back home soon. Dinner smelled great, and I’m starving.

After leaving Ham’s with a solid plan for adding more security for the girls, including bringing in a security firm, Con-Stant, from Minneapolis, I get into my truck and call Penny. It rings several times before her cheery voicemail message comes on. I hang up without leaving a message.

My mind is having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that she didn’t answer. She knows the rules. She knows I need her to answer. I need to hear her voice to see that she’s okay.

On the very short drive from his house to mine, I try her several more times, still no fucking answer. My panic level rises to a thousand in a split second. I begin to pray that she and Zeb are alright, but it doesn’t help. I kick myself in the ass because I could have done all that shit over the phone. I shouldn’t have left her alone, even though guards are watching her and the house. I screech to a halt in front of the garage door and get out of the truck, still praying she’s taking a shower or something, and that’s why she didn’t answer. The wind picks up, and for some reason, I know that won’t be the case.

What am I going to find when I get in the house?

Chapter Five


I am losing my mind. I have been home all day, and even though Migan has come over and the rest of the girls have been calling non-stop, all of us are slowly losing our minds; it is not enough. I am used to coming and going. Us wives are a bunch of movers and shakers. We are used to getting shit done, so this sitting around is getting old quickly. If it weren't for the fact that I promised my husband I would stay put; I would be doing the stuff that needs to be done. I look at Zeb once more and smile as his little body slumbers, lost in nap time dreams. Must be nice. Walking down the stairs, I look out the door, and the sun calls my name. It's midday, and it is going to go down soon. Grabbing the high-tech baby monitor and attaching it to the pocket of my dress, I walk out my back door. Hey, he only said I couldn’t leave the house. The backyard is still the house. Right?

Immediately I feel ten times better being out in the fresh air. I am not going to walk too far—just a few feet. Enough to trick my mind into believing we are still free to come and go. I find my mind is still zig-zagging back and forth between belief and disbelief about Jasmine being the one doing this. I can see how the conclusion is made, but it still refuses to settle.


My head turns as a tree branch behind me snaps. My skin begins to tingle with the feeling of not being alone. “Hello. Who’s there?” I call out. Swiftly, I begin to make my way back to the house, trying to stay aware of my surroundings. A few feet from the house, I hear another snap, but I am met with sharp pain and then blackness when I turn. Shit.

I can’t see anything or hear anything. I don’t want to move yet; give away that I am awake. I know I need to get a grip on this situation. “Don’t try to pretend to not be awake, Prissy Penny.” Oh my gosh. I would know that voice anywhere. It’s Jasmine. Did she always sound so angry and venomous?

“Jasmine.” I try to keep my voice calm and not panic. Not easy considering how much pain my head is in and my stomach is cramping—oh God, not my babies. “Please take this off my head,” I beg her. Maybe if I am sweet, she won’t hurt me. She says nothing at first, and I hear no movement, but then I see the light. My eyes take a moment to adjust, but when I blink a few more times and she comes into focus, I can’t stop the gasp. She looks awful. Nothing like the well put together girl I remember. She almost looks demented. Makes sense considering all she has done

“Don’t turn your nose up at me, Prissy Penny. It’s your best friend’s fault; I am like this. I had everything. EVERYTHING within my grasp, and she took it all from me.” God. She is really sick.