Chapter One


“Migan, are we really sitting here saying that Jasmine Bradbury is the one behind this? She was so… nice in school. Why would she do this?” I ask her as I make us a sandwich. Torran dropped her off over here on his way to open the store because she and I have to spend the day going over her new designs while the other girls are working on putting together the new show. I look at Migan holding her little Bodil. It was a long couple of months for her in the NICU. She fits her name, which means penance and fight. We have somehow gotten sidetracked from that and have been spending the last hour going over our list of suspects, and we keep circling back to Jasmine.

Jasmine was also a design student with Migan, and she and I had other classes together. “Yes. She has always been super competitive with me and you know we both were competing for the Future Designers of America Scholarship.” Oh yeah. I forgot. It was the most prestigious scholarship awarded across the U.S. The winner was featured in Future magazine, was given a $250,000 scholarship to either attend design school or start their own label, and was given a one-year internship with Sophia Mana. She was the hottest thing in fashion back then. Needless to say, Migan won, and that is how our business was born.

“I forgot about that. But to go this far for what...revenge? I mean, she almost killed Kennedy and the baby. I don’t know. That is more than extreme.”

“I agree, Penny. But who else could it be? If it were about something else, the focus wouldn't be on our business and the designs and my computer. It all fits,” she says, her face sad and determined. She is right. It makes sense, but then it doesn’t. She just never seemed that evil to me.

“Well, we gave the guys her name. So, I am sure any day now they will find out more about her. Lord knows I need this isolation to be over.”

“Me too. Torran is like an overprotective bear. Walking around growling and securing everything. Hell, I went out to the shed the other day to grab a swatch, and I swear he called the swat team or something. This is getting old. Quick,” she says, rolling her eyes. I giggle because I can totally see him acting like that. Jace is not as bad, but he has been no cakewalk either. At least he doesn’t growl. Well..not outside of the bed. Lol. “I figured you would be super worried by now,” she says, chewing on a veggie straw.

“Me? Why? I mean, I am worried but just as much as everyone else.”

“I know. It’s just...I mean she knows you are my best friend and we roomed together. I figured she would come after you as hard as me.” I never thought about that. But now I am and crap.

“I don’t think that’s true,” I say out loud, hoping it stops me from worrying so much. Now that she has pointed that out, I wonder if she is right.

“I’m sorry,” she says, hugging me. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I am just really worried about everyone. I feel like she is hurting those around me.”

“I know you are scared, but between our husbands, family, and the Jorgensens as a whole, I think we will be okay.”

“Damn right you will.” I turn toward the door hearing the growl and giggle when I see Torran, face stern and pissed at seeing his wife crying. “What did I tell you about tears, baby.” She peeks at me and smirks before pouting at him.

“The more I cry, the harder you….”

“Hey. No words like that in front of other people, wife.” He kisses her and rubs her tummy. She blushes and ducks her head.

“Sorry.” I laugh some more—these two.

“Are you ready to go, baby?”

“Yeah. We are done,” she tells him, snuggling into his side. She reaches over, hugs me, and I watch as they walk out the door. My mind keeps replaying her words over and over.

Now, I don’t feel so safe alone.


Chapter Two


The barbecue at our house was meant to be a chance to let everyone relax. Now that it’s happening, it’s doing the job. My Penny is pregnant, and the flowy sundress she has on makes her look sun kissed. She’s across the yard talking to Kitty and Jacqui. The grill is going; kids are running wild. For the first time since Christmas, I feel like everything is normal. Almost. Despite the kids having fun, the adults are a bit on edge. No one more so than me. I can’t handle not being in control of things. Dale, my brother Max’s son, is in my lap where he usually is. Spending all that time with him stuck. I hate to say it, but not really; I’m his favorite. Selena and Max adapted to the change, but it was hard for Dale, so no one pushed it. Now, the little dude is my best bud, right along with Zeb.