“He’s a twenty-three-year-old man. That’s hardly a boy.”

“Don’t throw Johnny back in my face.”

“I didn’t mean… I just mean that we can’t excuse his actions on age alone. Is there anything you have that could excuse his behavior? Anything at all?”

All eyes turned to Alex. Her eyes clouded—not that she’d allow tears to fall in front of the matrons and primes. “Don’t do this, Lila,” she said finally, a note of pleading finally entering her voice. “What did my brother ever do to you?”

Lila opened her mouth to answer, but she wasn’t sure what to say. It seemed important to say the right thing, because if she didn’t, she knew the right time would never come again.

But the perfect words didn’t come. “I’m sorry. It’s out of my hands.”

“No, it’s not!” Alex shouted, kicking the bottom of Lila’s chair. “Tell them. Tell them it wasn’t his fault!” She kicked again, shoving Lila’s chair into the table. Her third blow landed on Lila’s shin.

Lila sucked in her breath but did not call out.

Nor did anyone else as more kicks landed, as Alex ignored the chair in favor of her former best friend. Perhaps the women were frightened of what Alex would do if they intervened. If she’d assaulted her best friend, what would she do to people she hated?

“Ms. Wilson, I’d say that is enough,” Chairwoman Masson said at last. “I think I speak for the rest of the council when I say our patience has come to an end. This isn’t the time or the place to settle private arguments or to work through your grief. I’m sorry for the loss of your brother and your mother, but neither Lila nor her chair is at fault for Mr. Wilson’s actions. Perhaps you should see the oracle.”

“Fuck you,” Alex yelled, finally breaking off her assault. “Fuck you and fuck the oracle. Fuck the whole damn lot of you.”

Élise’s eyes widened, but she said nothing. Alex had gone so far over the line that the council now looked to Lila to discipline her.

But Lila couldn’t, just as she couldn’t at the great house. She should call for the Bullstow militia and charge Alex with assault against her master. If she didn’t, rumors of her leniency would go round and round the city before the sun rose. What was worse, a second rumor would accompany it, claiming that she’d allowed Alex to abuse the High Council of Judges unchecked.

When Lila didn’t rise to summon the militia, Élise snatched up her gavel. “All who find no fault with the conviction of Celeste Wilson, raise your hand.”

Ten hands went up around the table.

“All opposed?”

Lila did not vote.


Lila finally raised her hand. She couldn’t vote to condemn Alex’s mother, but she couldn’t vote for her to go free, either. What else she could do for her friend but this one trifle?

“The council upholds the senate’s decision, ten in favor, one abstention. All who find no fault with the conviction of Patrick Wilson, raise your hand.”

Again, everyone raised their hands but Lila.

“Abstained?” Élise asked.

Lila inclined her head.

“The council upholds the senate’s decision, ten in favor, one abstention.”

Alex shoved Lila’s chair away from the table. It rocked her violently to and fro, her vision shaking with every wobble. “You’ve killed them both. Is this what you wanted?”

“Ms. Wilson, Chief Randolph didn’t even vote,” Chairwoman Masson pointed out.

Alex didn’t seem to care. She turned on her heel and dashed from the room.

The door hadn’t even closed before Lila stood. She chased after her friend, her boots heavy on the marble as they reached the middle of the corridor. “Alex, stop!”

The slave turned, her face locked in stone.
