Page 24 of Sugar Daddy

Daniel didn’t like it, and all it made him want to do was to stake his claim on her and to show everyone else who she belonged to.

Each time he had to force himself to stop because that wasn’t the agreement they had. She showed no interest in any other man. In fact, he’d seen her smile brighten more when she saw him.

“I was. My study group is going, and that guy Billy asked me to stop by. I told them all I couldn’t. I had a date and he wanted me to go with him.” She finished brushing her hair and placed a cap on her head. “I’m ready to go when you are.”

“Let’s go.” He took her hand, leading her toward his car. No one paid any attention to them, as it was Halloween and there would be random parties all around the city. Nothing to jump out at anyone.

The venue he was going to was one his offices had rented out. The party was always a big deal, allowing clients, friends, and family to come together.

Most of the time he avoided it, since to most people it was more of a pissing contest for who’d won the most cases, or who had the better family.

He didn’t compare shit with anyone.

This would be the first time he’d gone and ever taken a date.

Elizabeth wasn’t like the people he worked with. She was a sheep among wolves, but the only way he could get through the party was knowing she would be there so he had something to look forward to.

“What do I do when people ask how we met?” she asked.

“A friend of a friend. It’s not a lie,” he said.

“And what do I say if they ask what we mean to each other?”

“You’re my girlfriend. We stick to all the normal stuff. They don’t need to know our arrangement.” He took her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “That’s private and between us. No matter what, I won’t tell a soul what our arrangement is. Of that, you have my word.”

She relaxed a little but not completely. Arriving at the large venue, he rolled his eyes at the decorations. Shaking skeletons, coffins, cobwebs, it was all over the house, and so was the loud music as well.

Valets stood waiting, dressed as zombies. Handing the keys over, Daniel took Elizabeth’s arm, and together they entered the lavish party.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this,” she said, grasping his arm. Once inside, he saw a large buffet table, and everyone was dressed up as something.

“Well, well, well, I didn’t think for a second that you’d turn up. Isn’t this a little out of your league?” Lydia asked.

He smiled, looking toward one of his exes. She was a fellow lawyer who worked for another company. This was the point of the party, several different companies coming together to show how amiable they could be.

Daniel called it bullshit, and another reason to exploit their differences. He wasn’t interested in comparing cases he’d won or lost.

“I couldn’t resist seeing what all the fuss is about. After all, I help to fund them all,” he said.

“Yeah, but you’ve never brought yourself low enough to actually be part of it all. Who is this? A budding lawyer?”

“This my woman, Elizabeth. Baby, this is Lydia.”

“Hello,” Elizabeth said, shaking her hand.

“I’m one of the many exes around here. Don’t worry, you won’t be short of company. Daniel gets around a bit.”

He gritted his teeth. “Pleasure to see you. If you excuse me, I want to dance.” He took Elizabeth onto the dance floor.

“You don’t have to worry if we bump into one of your exes,” she said. “She seemed … pissed.”

“I ended the relationship when she hoped for a ring. I only wanted a good time. She wanted forever, and to use our names to further her own career. I believe she wants to run for office or some shit like that. She has no interest in the law. She’s using it to get elsewhere.”

“You have no interest in doing anything else?”

“I love the law. I spent a long time living and breathing it. I’m not going to throw it away on a future that is uncertain. If you love something enough, why change it to be something else?”

“I get it. I do. I respect it as well. I’ve also decided my major, and my classes will be changing after Christmas so that I can focus more on psychology.”

“That’s what you want to be?”

“Yes. I truly believe I can help people. That’s what I wish to do, and I have you to thank for that. I wouldn’t have been able to figure out what I wanted to be without you.”

It felt good having her in his arms.

“I’m glad.”

She pressed a kiss to his lips. “Thank you.” She rested her head on his shoulder, and for a few seconds he closed his eyes, basking in her touch. The way she drew him in, and just made him fall for her even more.