“No. She’s my fiancée. I thought I’d bring her home to meet the family.”

When she gets her balance back, she pulls away from me.

“Give them my message,” she says. “You said you would if I let you live.”

“You’re right. I did say that.”

I look at Sandoval and Sinclair.

“Dies Irae.”

Marcella laughs. “Boy Scout.”


“Dies Irae? What is that?” says Sandoval.

“I’m told it’s ‘Day of Wrath.’”

Marcella takes a step toward them. I grab her arm again.

She says, “Your judgment is coming and it will be harsh if you don’t repent and come to us willingly.”

“You’re insane. We’ll kill you all,” says Sinclair.

“To live, you will walk away from your operations. All of them.”

“This is ridiculous,” says Sandoval. She looks at me. “Why did you bring her here?”

“She asked me questions at the end of a cattle prod. Now I’m going to return the favor.”

“No, he’s not,” Marcella says. “He talks tough, but he’s adorable.”

Sandoval touches Sinclair on the arm.

“That’s wonderful. She has no idea who he really is. Take off that silly face, Stark, and show her.”

Marcella stares at me as I let the glamour fade.

“Hi. My name is James Stark.”

“Better known as Sandman Slim,” says Sinclair.

Sandoval says, “Bitch.”

Marcella looks from me to them.

Then she laughs, shaking her head.

“You’re as adorable as him. But Sandman Slim is dead. Everyone knows it.”

“Was,” says Sinclair. “We brought him back.”

Sandoval says, “That’s what we can do. So you can keep your threats and Day of Wrath nonsense to yourself.”

Marcella shakes her head again, not laughing this time, but still not believing.

“You’ve told so many lies you don’t know when you’re doing it anymore.”