“See you.”

When he’s gone, she closes the door.

She says, “It’s set. I’m going with you.”


; I grab a bottle off the shelf. Finally, something I can use.

“Are you sure? I won’t have the last thing I do in the world be fucking things up between you and Alessa.”

“It’s okay,” she says. “But I made her understand. If you die and I could have helped but didn’t because she might be mad, that’s guaranteed to fuck things up for us.”

“Spreading hope and sunshine wherever I go.”


“It’s just something Kasabian said.”

“Don’t listen to him,” she says. “He’s a scaredy-cat who doesn’t like the furniture getting moved around.”

“That’s the thing. I don’t want to move your furniture around.”

“And you’re not. This is something I want to do. We’ll get through this and when you’re well again, we’ll figure out the other stuff.”

I gesture to the door with the bottle.

“Kasabian said I could take some movies with me.”

Candy smiles.

“It sounds like true love.”

“He’s always been a romantic.”

“What’s that you’ve got?” she says, looking at the bottle.

I hold it up so she can see it.

“Tincture of asphodel,” I say. “Hoodoo Adderall. It’s like an energy drink made with rocket fuel.”

“Cool. I could use that at the store on weekends.”

“If I live, I’ll steal you a crate.”

She laughs.

“Stealing Sub Rosa speed. Just like old times.”

“You know it.”

“Are you ready to go?”

“Almost. Would you see if there’s any duct tape around? If I start falling apart, I might need something stronger than cling wrap.”

“I’ll check the kitchen cabinets.”

We go back into the living room. Alessa and Kasabian are sitting together on the couch. Alessa’s eyes are red. Candy squeezes her shoulder as she goes past.