“Then that’s one reason why I’m the Augur and you’re not. I like you, Stark, whether you believe it or not. I enjoy doing things for people I like, and I have the resources to do it.”

“That sounds like the kind of thing that could get a person in trouble.”

“Not true. Even if you’re not getting paid, we still have a contract. I can use any resources I want to help an employee.”

I look at him.

“An employee?”

“Sorry. Contractor.”

“That’s better.”

“It’s settled then. I’ll get people started on the problem, and you’ll get in touch if you learn anything. And here, take this.”

Abbot gets out his wallet and hands me what looks like a small gold coin. When I look closer I see that it’s a lot more like a milagro in the shape of an eye.

“What’s this for?”

“Your shadow-walking trick is impressive, but if you get sicker, you might not be able to do it. If you get stuck somewhere and need help, just break the coin in half. We’ll find you.”

I turn the coin over in my hand a few times.


“My pleasure,” Abbot says. “Do you want to go and see the apartment?”

“Can you just give me a key and let me find it on my own? I can move faster than your van through LAX traffic.”

“Of course.”

He takes out an ordinary house key and hands it to me.

“The entrance is through a strip mall on Cahuenga near the In-N-Out Burger by the Hollywood Freeway. There’s an out-of-business nail salon. The key opens the front door and the apartment entrance is through a supply closet at the back. It’s one of the bottles of skin lotion on a shelf by themselves. I forget which one, but there are only three. Just pick up each one until the door opens.”

I can’t help but laugh at the setup.

“Nail salon. Skin lotion. Got it.”

Abbot points to the kitchen.

“Do you want anything to eat before you go? The cook makes amazing garlic lamb.”

“Some other time. I appreciate all this.”

“Thanks for saving us tonight.”

“I’ll see you.”

“Stay in touch.”


I go out before any of the guards come back. I’m tired of the way they’re looking at me.

MAX OVERDRIVE IS closed when I get there, late enough that even Kasabian isn’t screwing around inside. I go in near the storage room, terrified that someone found Howard or that he woke up and wandered away.

There’s no reason to worry about Alessa and Candy tonight. The faction will be doing cleanup and recon in Marina del Rey. Looking for bodies. Picking up shell casings. Maybe sending divers down to the boat to search for bodies. They’ll find a few, but not the one they want. With luck they’ll either keep looking or assume Abbot burned in the fire. Me? All I want right now is a little clear head space. No Wormwood. No faction. Just me and Howard, a couple of regular guys doing regular-guy stuff. No pressure. Maybe some beer and pizza. Then he does his hoodoo and I send the fucker on his way. That’s all I want, which is exactly why I’m sure I’m not going to get it.