“Like it?” he says. “Most of it’s Ray’s. He’s a collector, only he can’t decide what he collects, so he collects everything.”

“I love it,” I say.

“Good. Be sure to tell him that when you meet him.”

“Is Ray your brother-in-law?”

“The one and only.”

Carlos goes to an open door that leads to another room.

“Ray, you home?”

“I’m in the kitchen,” comes another voice.

“Well, come on out here. We’ve got a guest.”


Ray comes out a few seconds later, wiping his hands on a small towel. He’s in a white shirt and tan pants. In good shape. He’s sandy haired and wearing Buddy Holly glasses. Ray could be a computer programmer or an ad writer. Whatever he does for a living, he doesn’t look like any brujo I’ve ever seen. He puts out his hand as he comes in.

“Hi. I’m Ray,” he says.

We shake.

“I’m Stark.”

He walks back to stand by Carlos.

“I know exactly who you are,” he says, smiling. “I’ve seen you at the bar a few times. You’re the one who brings in all the trouble and all the business.”

“See? He knows all about you,” says Carlos.

Ray is a little taller than Carlos. He says, “Hi, babe,” then leans down and gives him a peck on the lips.

Turning back to me, Ray says, “Let me guess. He told you I’m his brother-in-law.”

I nod.

“That’s what he tells everyone.”

Ray looks at Carlos affectionately.

“For as long as I’ve known him. He thinks it’s hilarious.”

“It is hilarious,” says Carlos. “It’s just I’m the only one with a sense of humor.”

“Would you like some coffee?” says Ray.

I hold up a hand. “Only if you’re having some.”

“Three cups it is,” he says, and goes back to the kitchen.

Carlos leads me into the living room and we sit down.

I don’t say anything for a minute and Carlos says, “So, now you know my dirty little secret. I live with

a pack rat.”