“Maybe a little longer. I’m only going to get one shot at this.”

“And if it doesn’t work out, what happens to Sleeping Beauty back there?”

“Go to Vidocq. Get a sprig of Dragon’s Tooth root, mix it with some whiskey, and pour it down his throat. It’ll erase the last month of his memories. Everything. Then just put him on a bus and let him ride around until his brain works enough to get home.”

Kasabian looks at me hard.

“If Candy gives you the boot, you’re gone this time?”


“And even if she doesn’t, you’re not moving back in here.”

“I promise.”

“It is nice watching you beg,” he says.

“Then I can leave him?”

He takes a deep breath.

“Yeah. Okay. Just one more thing …”

There’s a scrape as the front door opens. I don’t wait to see who it is but walk into a shadow. All I hear as I disappear is Candy saying, “Hi, Kas. Who are you talking to?”

I’m long gone before he can answer.

SANDOVAL’S MANSION IS dead quiet when I get back. I come out in my room and change into my regular clothes. Put the Glock, the Colt, the black blade, and the vellum scroll in my coat. On my way to the bowling alley, I hear a couple of voices from Sandoval’s office. One man and one woman. But there’s nothing urgent in their voices, and I have a feeling they’re a couple of roaches left behind to watch the place while Sandoval and her entourage take a gold-plated ambulance ride to a Wormwood clinic. Maybe Sandoval and Roger can share a room. Do puzzles and go to physical therapy together. Maybe discover that they both secretly love Jell-O. Have a real TV-movie bonding experience.

Rest up, you two. You’re both going to be dead soon.

I knock on the door to the bowling alley and go in without waiting for a response. Marcella sits at the scoring table, relaxed and bored.

“I knew it was you,” she says. “The others don’t knock.”

“Mom believed in manners.”

“Like dragging people to Hell when you’re mad?”

“No. The polite part is when I bring them back after they get the message.”

She stands up. Stretches.

“I’m still not sure Mom would approve, Boy Scout.”

“I always was a disappointment. How about you?”

“I was on the disappointing side too. Until I found Wormwood.”

“This Wormwood or the faction?”

She comes over, rolling up the sleeves on the shirt I gave her.

“There’s only one true Wormwood and it’s not the one upstairs.”

“Right. It’s the one looking for, what did you say?”

Marcella raises her chin slightly and says, “Salvation.”