“Anytime. Really. It would be an honor to have you.”

“That’s sweet of you.”

Sally turns to me.

“I changed my mind about the car you owe me.”

“You don’t want a Catalina?”

“I want a 1958 Chrysler Dual Ghia L6.4.”

“That’s a very specific car. Why that one?”

“Frank Sinatra gave me one once. It was a lovely ride,” she says.

“You knew Sinatra?”

She gets into the wrecked Bugatti. Starts the engine.

“Everybody who drives here long enough owes me,” says Sally. “Have a good night, lovelies.”

Sally backs out of the theater and does a one-eighty without stopping. Hits the gas and is gone.

“Thanks for letting us make a mess of your place,” I tell Flicker.

She claps her hands together.

“Thank you for introducing me to Mustang Sally. As far as I’m concerned, we’re even.”

We go back over to the others.

Candy looks me in the eyes and says, “You look tired.”

“I kind of am.”

“Where were you planning on sleeping?”

I think for a minute.

“Abbot said I could use the UFO place. I’ll head back there.”

“It’s all shot up and the food is lousy.”

“I gave all my money away so I can’t stay in a hotel. Besides, I don’t think they’d let me check in wearing just a robe.”

“Come on with us. You can crash on our couch at Max Overdrive tonight.”

I look at Alessa.

“That’s okay with you?”

She nods.

“We talked it over.”

“Okay then.”

There’s not much left to say, so with one last look around, Candy, Alessa, and I pile into Ray’s Honda and he gives us a ride back to the store. It’s right around dawn.