Out of nowhere, my leg and arm joints stiffen. I flex them hard, trying to break up whatever is happening inside. It feels like there are wads of broken glass under my skin. Eventually, though, everything gets loose again. I don’t know how regular corpses deal with this shit.

While I catch my breath from the bout of rigor mortis my phone rings. I answer it quick before anyone in the mansion hears it.

“Hello?” I say, barely above a whisper.

“Stark. Where are you? And why are you whispering?”

It’s Abbot.

“I’m in enemy territory, that’s why I’m fucking whispering. Whatever you want, make it quick.”

“We found the headquarters of the Wormwood faction. You won’t believe who they really are.”

“The Golden Vigil.”

There’s a pause.

“How did you know that?”

“Because I escaped from there like a half hour ago.”

“That was your coin that called us? I gave you that for your personal protection.”

“I didn’t have a chance of taking them down and I figured you did. You did, didn’t you?”

“We have control of the facility and most of the personnel. A few of them got away and I know there are others in the field. We’re in the process of rounding them up.”

“Do you know where Eva Sandoval lives?”

“Of course.”

“I’m pretty sure there are Vigil people outside right now. But leave them alone. I’m going to need them.”

“For what?” Abbot says with an edge in his voice. “What are you planning?”

“You can arrest anyone you want in twenty minutes. Is there anything else?”

I already know the answer to the question, but I want to hear it from him.

“We haven’t found a fix for your situation, I’m afraid.”

“If it’s any help, the ritual is called Ludovico’s Ellicit. I probably should have told you before.”

“I really wish you’d said something earlier. We could have been looking this whole time.”

“Sorry. I was busy getting shot and trying to navigate a tricky relationship situation. Love sucks sometimes, doesn’t it?”

“Stark?” he says in a funny tone. “Are you all right? You sound a little strange.”

“What? I can’t have relationships? I once ruled Hell for a hundred days. Did you know that? There are plenty of people in L.A. who’d appreciate seeing that on a dating profile.”

“You’re not making sense. Wherever you are, I want you to come back to the Golden Vigil facility. It’s safe here now and we have medics who can help you.”

“I don’t need a Band-Aid. I need to finish up some work before I fall apart.”

“Come in now,” says Abbot. “We can protect you while we look for a way out of this.”

“Thanks. You’re okay for a guy who owns a yacht. I’ll talk to you later. Remember: Ludovico’s Ellicit.”