“I’ll see you at home, then.”

And he’s gone. Vanished. Like a God.

I look at Samael.

“We have issues?”

He shakes his head.

“Of course not. I just needed a break from home sweet home. The palace is overrun with the high and holy.”

“And you’re used to having your own suite.”

He takes a Malediction from a gold cigarette case. Offers me one. I take it.

“You have to admit . . . it’s addicting.”

I nod, accepting a light.

“I’m bored to death down south. I thought you might let me raid your video collection again.”

“Feel free. It’s not like anyone wants to rent anything. Well, a few vampires, but that’s not really a long-term business model.”

He picks up a Max Overdrive bag and starts down the stairs.

“Specialization. Give the people something no one else can give them. That’s the way to stay open.”

“Between streaming video and BitTorrent, I’m not sure there’s anything left.”

Samael shrugs.

“Look harder. Consult with some younger witches. Maybe together you can conjure up a lost film or two.”

“That’s not a bad idea. I’ve always wanted to see a full version of London After Midnight.”

“A fine place to start.”

I sit down and smoke. That was all too close. Mr. Muninn might not be as strong as he once was, but he can probably still turn me into mildew on a bathroom shower mat. But I kept my promise to Traven. Maybe I’ll visit Blue Heaven with him. See what the big deal is. It’s not easy to get there if you don’t go through the Room, so everyone there is supposed to be in the high-IQ club. Definitely the place for him. Not so much for me. Still, I haven’t had a vacation in a while. Hell sure doesn’t count. Maybe take Candy there for a weekend just to clear my head so I can stomach dealing with Wells again.

“Knock knock.”

It’s Candy.

“Can I come in?”

“Of course.”

“You know the Devil is stealing all your Italian and Japanese horror movies.”

“Ex-Devil, dear. Let him. He saved me and Father Traven’s grapes tonight.”

“Liam doesn’t have to stay in the Room forever?”

I shake my head.

“Tomorrow I’m taking him to Blue Heaven.”

“Where’s that?”